Homestuck_Skins's Avatar
Level 8 Apprentice Crafter

To-do list!

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This is a to-do list so I can keep track of everything better, rather than looking through a bunch of skin .pngs!
Also, excuse any spelling mistakes, if there are any. I can't spell a few of the Ancestor's names too well aaa

:To be done (in order as listed):
Aradia, Damara, and The Handmaid
Tavros, Rufioh, and The Summoner
Sollux, Mituna, and The Psiioniic
Nepeta, Meulin, and The Disciple
Kanaya, Porrim, and The Dolorosa
Terezi, Latula, and Neophyte Redglare
Vriska, Aranea, and Marquise Spinneret Mindfang
Equius, Horuss, and Darkleer
Gamzee, Kurloz, and The Grand High Blood
Eridan, Cronus, and The Orphaner
Feferi, Meenah, and The Condesce
John Egbert and Jane Crocker
Dave Strider and Dirk Strider
Rose Lalonde and Roxy Lalonde
Jade Harley and Jake English
Guardians and Lusii

The Exiles, Snowman, and The Midnight Crew
Bec Noir and Lord English
-I haven't actually finished Homestuck, so these are the only ones I know, but I'm sure there's others. They'd go after here!-

:Done (in order completed):
Karkat, Kankri, and The Signless
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