IndianaCrafting's Avatar
Level 72
Legendary Architect

Forum Posts

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    01/02/2013 11:36 am
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    Sorry bro, age must be 16+
    01/02/2013 7:16 am
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    Sent it.

    Anyway lots of letsplays coming in these days of this map, hopefully they'll be so good that it'll be hard for me to choose the best.
    12/31/2012 6:20 pm
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    well pmc accounts are disabled now, but I'm gonna send you a pm as soon as I can. Are you up for thrillers my friend?
    12/31/2012 8:55 am
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    I decided to feature the channel of the best lp maker in the recommended section at my youtube page. My channel has more than 10.000 views and it's growing fast.
    12/31/2012 7:07 am
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    I like old movies, so this may be really good. Never heard of it tho
    12/31/2012 6:55 am
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    Is it a thriller? or more like a crime movie?
    12/30/2012 9:22 am
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    I don't know. Tekkit was exciting 3 months ago I wouldn't recommend that...

    I looked into one of your minecraft vids...
    First thing: - You. Swear. Too. Much. Actually you should not swear at all I think.

    You have a nice voice & nice equipment to make quality videos and with those a successful youtube channel, but you should work on some other things to get it done, make it grow and have active subs who will follow you.

    Can I ask how old are you?
    12/28/2012 5:11 pm
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    Hello there pmc people!

    We just hit 10.000 views with our channel.
    A huge thanks to all of you who have been there already to watch our
    Cinematics & Map Trailers.

    If you haven't checked us out please do:
    12/25/2012 4:14 pm
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    Your youtube link doesn't seem to be working. I recommend fixing that first!
    12/21/2012 12:50 pm
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    'Youtuber Wanting to get Big!' - Best title so far.
    12/21/2012 2:04 am
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    'If you didn't waste hours begging and actually tried to improve your work, you may get somewhere'
    So true. I usually work about 2-3 hours to make a decent trailer for a map for example...I actually worked 4 hours (after I completely had the idea of the trailer in my head [which also took several hours]...) with the video editing software to make the trailer for my latest adventure map. Won't name it, you'll find it if you are curious enough

    So I worked about 6-7 hours in total on a 2 minute trailer. I got amazing feedback on it, and that's what matters, that people like my work. I'd like to have 50 real subscribers much more than 300 that I just asked to be my sub and they don't really know anything about my content.
    12/20/2012 7:14 pm
    Level 72 : Legendary Architect
    IndianaCrafting's Avatar
    It does sometimes, but those quality posts can get lost easily between these annoying begging ones.

    AmazeI agree with you, usually the people that post on these scattered forums, I admire that you see the same way I see the forums, there are the posts that people put hard work into and they'd be buried by posts that beg for you of anything and are annoying as hell.



    Banana_ManHow about this... I will subscribe you if you subscribe me. Sound good?

    how about "NO"

    I'm with you on this, I think the whining for subs (here and ESPECIALLY on youtube) is absolutely annoying, degrading and POINTLESS. I, for one, look at these begging posts and think "I will never even go VIEW your youtube channel due to this."

    Totally. If you ask for subscribers directly the first thing people would assume is: 'What kinda lame channel is that if you have to ASK for subscribers?'

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