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    03/01/2012 4:54 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    i see a guy with a unhealthy obsettion with chickans, and a good scence of humor
    03/01/2012 4:09 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    (( lol, we need to get more poeple on the RP, start oporation advertise! ))
    Daniel walked around the strange room on the center of a another room. He started to walk by when he started to hear a slow, heavy, breathing. He turned to aaron, "Help me get in there..." Aaron paused, Daniel could tell that he herd the breathing. Daniel jumped up and aaron shoved Daniels feet in. Daniel fell for a fraction of a second, and landed face first on a cold marble floor. He picked him self up and turned to look at the small room. He turned and saw a older teen that was sitting on his knees ready to jump at Daniel. "Aaron!?!?" Daniel said franticly.
    02/28/2012 5:30 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    ixplotionAvatar/Signature/Desktop: Signature
    Text: Anubis in the center as the feature of the signature and I would like a reflection of Anubis in Greek (I know he's not Greek) in the top right corner put gods clan
    Font: I would like Anubis to be in everson mono bold and god clan to be sans script or something basic like that and smaller of coarse. Also a reflection of anubis in Greek symbols, but like 1 size Smaller.
    Colors/background: I would like all text to be a SUPER dark purple, almost black. color and the back round to be a light gray and black swirls in the corners *like my last AMAZING signature*
    Extra Details: I don't really have any. Feel free to chage it a bit and make it look fantastic.

    Ur so awsm,

    U so f****** awsm

    Here you go, if you want anything changed just ask...

    02/27/2012 6:00 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    .......no words for you.......none
    02/26/2012 1:10 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    Daniel remember the map, how it stopped on the middle of the street, could he find something? They went down the long stair case. Finaly they came down to a heavy led door. Aaron made a lick pick and the door swag open. A bright room filled with fluorescent lights made Daniel eyes burn. In the room was a iron wall that had no doors, but no ceiling ether.
    02/26/2012 12:51 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    Avatar/Signature/Desktop: Signature
    Text: Anubis in the center as the feature of the signature and I would like a reflection of Anubis in Greek (I know he's not Greek) in the top right corner put gods clan
    Font: I would like Anubis to be in everson mono bold and god clan to be sans script or something basic like that and smaller of coarse. Also a reflection of anubis in Greek symbols, but like 1 size Smaller.
    Colors/background: I would like all text to be a SUPER dark purple, almost black. color and the back round to be a light gray and black swirls in the corners *like my last AMAZING signature*
    Extra Details: I don't really have any. Feel free to chage it a bit and make it look fantastic.

    Ur so awsm,
    02/26/2012 11:28 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    Stared melting chocolate !!!!
    02/26/2012 11:17 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    U such a tolololo
    02/25/2012 8:24 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    "The world swiched to nuclear power a year befor the strain, it came and we didn't have he recourse to fix then when they broke..." Daniel thought about the map, " ?.. They blew up and killed the power, I don't know why it would still have to power." daniel said. "We stay hear 2 more days, then we lever for Vegas." Daniel thought of a way to get to the destination of the map befor then.
    02/25/2012 4:25 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    Daniel was at the weel and slammed on the gas. The car zoomed down, when we saw the man, he was almost sure that it was the man. Aaron and shara fired the guns. the loud popping of the guns did not stop untill they couldn't see the man. How had the man have gotten there? After that, Daniel hit 100 mph when ever he saw a light. They hit new York in no time flat. The bracing smell of the ocean was so strong it made you wince. *a few days later.* They had found the plaza hotel, ruined by the strain years ago. The subway stations had developed a nuclear power system years befor the plumage started. They all rode the subway to new apartments tonsurch for anything they want in the apartments. It was a screwy feeling to see one of the biggest city's in the world, empty.
    02/25/2012 1:49 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    "I could play a slot or 2" Daniel said joking. Daniel hoped in the car. Daniel decided not to mention the box he had found. In the top corner of the top self of the lobby, was a small safe with 3 different locks on it. He smashed them and found 3 things inside. A small vial of a strange liquid, a map with a rout to new York, and 1 picture of his famaly. He was taken by how diffrent we all were, some had darker looks. One of the sisters looked like she had orange eyes. He would get to new York adventualy, but he had to find the building the map led to.
    02/25/2012 12:19 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    Daniel opened and closed the orb in hid hand more off tan then befor. "There is no one...and we don't need to find them..." Daniel said staring at the orbs chaotic swirls.
    02/24/2012 10:38 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    ixplotion's Avatar
    "Area 51, where is that? And if we do find it, the surviving government members that would shot us if we looked at them, and now more then ever." Where ever we go...it has to be far." Daniel made a small purple orb in his hand. It went all over, not in any particular pattern. He closed his palm, and it vanished.

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