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    08/29/2014 9:48 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    JackDV's Avatar
    what you want: (admin etc.): Mod, Admin Or Builder
    why I should pic you.: I have experience in Four servers building Spawns arenas and maps, Three servers as a mod, and Four Administrating
    have you ever been banned from a server?:Not once
    How good are you at building?: (out of 10): 8
    IGN: jamison1010

    Other: I am not very mature but when I need to be I will If your always a stick in the mud they wont have too much fun then leave... If your interactive fun and nice to be around I find more people tend to play the server.
    08/29/2014 9:33 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    JackDV's Avatar
    If you are western They say that to anyone if not good luck with what you choose to do
    08/28/2014 3:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    JackDV's Avatar
    It seems as though Every time I join It says Timed Out
    08/28/2014 2:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    JackDV's Avatar
    Hello! I would like to help I can build fairly well I have staffed a Bunch of servers and want to help you But Sorry No I do not have evidence all my builds Were taken away from downed servers Hoping that's alright, My IGN: jamison1010 Age: 13 Experience building: Four Spawns A few Arenas and a Sewer PVP map.
    08/07/2014 8:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    JackDV's Avatar
    I will let you know when I can get that evidence...
    08/07/2014 3:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    JackDV's Avatar
    -IGN: Jamison1010
    -Age: 13
    -Method of contact jackdv@cox.net Email.
    -Why you would like to help us out: I enjoy building and hope I Can be to your benefit
    -Evidence of your past work: The servers I Built on are now gone I may have a file and When I find one I will change it to a URL and Pm you
    -Would you be willing to work for free?: Yes
    08/07/2014 2:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    JackDV's Avatar
    IGN - Jamison1010
    Age - (we won't judge) - 13
    What rank do you want? - Moderator/Admin
    How active? - Up to 4 Hours a day, Weekends and summer, School days 1-2 Hours.
    Timezone? - EST (Eastern Standard time)
    Contact Method? - email - jackdv@cox.net
    Why should you get the job? - I have worked with over seven servers and seen a lot happen I am dedicated and willing to work I am good about solving problems and keeping the players happy

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