jake_the_ace123's Avatar
Level 9
Apprentice Ninja

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    09/16/2012 4:15 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    It would be something like GMOD and minecraft, the features of GMOD and the adventure part in minecraft, so you can basically do whatever u want
    09/14/2012 8:49 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    Skype(Yes/No):Yes, if u want it, PM me.
    Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) yes, 6-8
    IGN:(For Whitelist)jake_the_ace321
    How long have you been playing Minecraft: since june 7th, 2012, but have been watching more mod videos, and playthroughs than most.
    Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: No, not yet, hough i am a pre-mod
    Why do you want to help: I just want to help make some stuff, have fun, and just plain help.
    Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Yes, and am fairly good at raiding and strategy.
    09/09/2012 12:51 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    ign: jake_the_ace321
    skype: jake_the_ace321
    age: 13
    why you want to help: I would love to help build, and help other players out in the beginning. I also love to work with other players. I am really good with making buildings, especially medieval buildings and Redstone creations.

    Thank you for reviewing my application. Please email me at jaketheace1@gmail.com with your answer.
    08/29/2012 8:24 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    yep, and it is still in 1.3.2. it is VERY anoying.
    08/25/2012 10:25 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    Co-admin application
    Name: John Lee (jake=jeaque=john in french)
    Special thing about you that can help the server: I am really helpful when other people need help.I have a pretty good knowledge of redstone (but no body knows it all.... yet ). I am also very good with building forts and houses that have defense mechanisms and are well defended. I also know how to make auto armors. i also know how to make an abundance of auto generators and auto farms.
    Time zone (able to check for griefers when i am offline) : I live in central time, and am on a fair amount.
    please e-mail me at jaketheace1@gmail.com if you except/deny my request
    08/18/2012 3:57 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    Can you record?:no
    Do you have/can make a server to use?:not yet, but i am working on it
    (we will also be playing on survivial games and stuff like that) Perfect
    08/17/2012 7:48 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    Age: 13
    Minecarft name: jake_the_ace321
    Skype name: jake_the_ace321
    Can you run a non hamachi server : Not really, i am just now learning to make servers
    Can you record: no, though i am working on finding a good progress right now
    Youtube name: jake1the1ace321
    are you awesome: that is a matter of opinion, i might say yes, but you would have to decide for yourself.
    just message me with ur answer at skype
    08/12/2012 9:31 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    I have to go with ruaidhri's as the best
    08/08/2012 3:49 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    The_Arena_MasterOkay guys, if it's not Herobine... Than who is it? I was playing by myself all alone in singleplayer when I spotted, what I believe to be Herobine, and no: it's not a mod. Sorry that I couldn't get closer, he was actually disappearing when I got too close to him, so this is the closest photo I could get. Sorry.

    Herobrine, or a guy with the herobrine skin on multiplayer
    08/01/2012 8:43 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    LAN means Local Area Network, it is used in many types of multiplayer games, such as Warhawk, CoD, and minecraft, among others.
    07/26/2012 11:45 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    IGN: jake_the_ace321
    Skype: no skype let, but i am working on it!
    pvp 0/10: i am pretty good with a sword, and great with a bow, so a 6-8 out of 10.
    age: 13
    P.S: use the in game mail system to mail me about approved or reject, using /mail send jake_the_ace321 (message)
    07/19/2012 11:11 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    IGN: Jake_the_ace321
    Maturity: I would give myself a 7-7 1/2 out of 10.
    Your Opinion on your Skill of Building: I am not great, but i am pretty good, probably a 6-8 out of 10.
    Pictures or a Link to Photos of your builds: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?o8v9wku05pncqdk
    Why you would like to help: I would like to help because I love to build, and really like to buid with others.
    A Brief description on your favourite style of building: I really love to build both mechanical and old style (medieval) type buildings, though I would try out other forms of building.
    (Optional)Do you have a Skype: No, not yet.
    07/18/2012 9:14 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
    jake_the_ace123's Avatar
    ADMIN/mod/builder app
    IGN name: jake_the_ace321 (not 123)
    Real name:John
    Ever been banned?: yes, once because my cousin went on when i was not looking
    Ever been staff on any servers?: no, but i have almost been staff once.
    mature level: on a 1-10 scale, i would give myself about a 7-8.
    Controling level: not to controlling, i won't be going power hungry or anything like that.
    good at building and worldediting?: yes, 1-10; 6-7

    If someone said Your the worst admin ever what would u respond to to
    them? or do to them..: I would first ask why, and if they gave a really bad response, i would either kick them , or if it was really insulting, ban them. if they did give a good reason, however, i would try to correct myself.

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