jd10600's Avatar
Level 12
Journeyman Dragon

Forum Posts

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    04/29/2013 11:48 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    Star wars knights of the old republic.
    04/29/2013 11:47 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    The fan base here is horrible. But, good luck on your build hope it turns out well. and if u want normal people to admire it build it in the default (one that everyone has)
    04/29/2013 11:42 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    Battlefield GTA Halo WoW Swotor Elder_Scrolls. That answer u?
    04/29/2013 11:40 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    when your doing a texture pack, where are the block files? i was working on one but could never find them.
    04/29/2013 11:36 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    Whats your skype? I want a background.
    04/29/2013 11:35 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    i would.
    04/11/2013 5:58 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    04/09/2013 12:26 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    ge: 16

    IGN (In game name): blockofepic

    Timezone: Eastern

    Playtime/Availablity: 5 hours a day.

    Have you ever griefed?:On a war server.

    Any plugins you would recommend?: Any Tekkit

    Staff Experience: Onwer, Co-owner, Mod, Admin

    Ip's and owners of servers staff on:Most of htem have closed down, but the onwer one was me.

    Maturity level out of 10: 8 i like to joke.

    Ability to advertise/get more players onto the server?: I has a Website

    How long have you played minecraft: bout 3 years

    Have you ever been banned?: Nope

    Reasons for being banned: None

    Link to your mcbans.com profile (If you dont have one, please make one) (example: mcbans.com/player/username): I dont even know what this is, so im not making one.

    Do you use any hacks/modded clients? (If so, why?): Rei's Minimap, for the map. i get lost sometimes.

    Skills: Builder, Redstoner

    Why you are better than everyone else: Im not. but nobodies better then me, either. no one likes a critic.

    Why you want to be Owner with me?: Because the last time i owned went well and i want to try to have it happen again.

    Gender(optional): Male

    Anything else you would like to add?: My name is James, Jd for short, and my skype is jd10600s
    04/09/2013 11:50 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    Age: 16

    IGN (In game name): blockofepic

    Timezone: Eastern (its 11:43 right now)

    Playtime/Availablity: about once or twice a day for 5 hours.

    Have you ever griefed?:Yes, on a war server.

    Any plugins you would recommend?:Anythink tekkit

    Staff Experience: Co-owner, Owner, Admin, and Mod

    Ip's and owners of servers staff on: i dont understand this one. the owner one was my own server.

    Maturity level out of 10: 8, i like to joke sometimes

    Ability to advertise/get more players onto the server?: I have my own website

    How long have you played minecraft: bout 3 years

    Have you ever been banned?:

    Reasons for being banned:

    Link to your mcbans.com profile (If you dont have one, please make one) (example: mcbans.com/player/username):

    Do you use any hacks/modded clients? (If so, why?): Rei's Minimap, and cause sometimes i get lost.

    Skills: Building and Redstone

    Why you are better than everyone else:Im not. nobody is worse then me. but no one is better then me either.

    Why you want to be Owner with me?: Because my last ownering went very well and i am hoping to remake that.

    Gender(optional): Male

    Anything else you would like to add?: My name is James, jd for short, and my skype is jd10600s.
    04/09/2013 11:39 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    IGN: blockofepic
    Age: 16
    Your timezone: Eastern (its 11:34 am right now)
    Skype Info: jd10600s
    How long have you played Minecraft: 3 years
    Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph):Well.......i want this job because i would like to help out with a server (my other servers arent really played anymore). I also want to help the people of the server. Plus, im a decent builder (but that don't matter) and i would like to build on a server that is actually noticed.
    Experience (details):I have been a co-owner, and owner, and mod on a couple servers.
    Amount of time you can dedicate per week: 3 days straight, sperated times.
    What can you bring to this server?: Well.....im a decent builder and im pretty good at helping people.
    Why should you be chosen?:Well....no reason. There are always others, im just hoping my chances are good enough.
    Any Other Information Names James Mills
    02/18/2013 3:13 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    Actually, u could come join my survival server. its no plugins tho.....pm me if u want to join i guess.
    02/18/2013 3:02 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    guys, lexi is trustable. i have played with her before.
    02/18/2013 2:52 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    lexi, didnt u already do a forum like this/
    02/17/2013 6:43 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    I actually have to go with cute on this one. If your a high skinner but dont like working with people then u cant mentor
    02/16/2013 6:30 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    ok Creative i guess its just u and me then.
    02/16/2013 6:14 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    Still need 3 to 4 people and if anyone who gets in has a skype that will help me out alot to.
    02/15/2013 8:26 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    just one question....wheres your proof?
    02/15/2013 8:00 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    ashburn....whoever u are........u just kicked me from lexis fac and i was a moderator in it so i would becareful cause know lexi knows u are kicking people randomly because she told me to put the f home there.
    02/13/2013 10:37 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    jd10600's Avatar
    i agree with Lorn,

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