KawaiiAngul's Avatar
Level 9 Apprentice Miner


Hello! I am as you know, KawaiiAngul, recently comeing from activity from "KawaiiDevul" I came here on PMC to post skins I enjoy making, and I want to be able to share that with you guys! :D

I'm 18 years of age, and I play MC every now and then, but most of all I just enjoy making skins, and seeing how they turn out, that's my art I guess you could say. I do play other games like Overwatch and sometimes other silly games like Hollow Knight, because I like a challenge at times.

I won't be taking many skin requests, but I will definitely think about it depending on the skin, if it's something I know I won't be able to do, like some of those super detailed "Galactic Knight" skins. (I don't know if that's an actual skin or not, but just making up a name. xD) I want to make skins that will be good, or amazing, but for that I just want to focus on basic girl/boy skins.

If you guys have any issues with me at all, then please feel free to tell me and I will try my best to fix anything I can! I want you to feel welcome and enjoy what I make.

So you know the saying, I hope you like me, my kawaii Anguls! ^.^

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3Discussion posts
May 30, 2018Joined PMC
KawaiiAngulMinecraft Name

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