Lexigall123456's Avatar
Level 34
Artisan Nerd

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    05/28/2014 8:56 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    Welcome to the community, Rich!
    05/28/2014 7:11 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    would join. Lets make a skype group chat, and we can all game while everyone else is at school. c;

    Would join too.

    Want to do it?[/quote]
    Everyone that is homeschooled, add me on skype. lexi.marie511[/quote]
    i can only IM[/quote]
    05/28/2014 7:06 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I would join. Lets make a skype group chat, and we can all game while everyone else is at school. c;

    Would join too.

    Want to do it?

    Everyone that is homeschooled, add me on skype. lexi.marie511
    05/28/2014 7:02 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I would join. Lets make a skype group chat, and we can all game while everyone else is at school. c;

    Would join too.

    Want to do it?
    05/28/2014 7:02 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I'm homeschooled.[/quote]
    Since I'm homeschooled, I'm surrounded by mature people on the internet, not immature dingbats in the real world. I'm not saying all of them are, but I'm still smarter than most all of them.[/quote]
    Basically what happened to me. Once upon of time I would write like this:
    "i like penut buttur and jally"
    o_o I hate my old self.[/quote]
    Ah, I know how you feel. I've been homeschooled since I was 9, I still remember some of the stupid stuff I wrote. xD
    05/28/2014 6:58 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I'm homeschooled.

    Hey another who is home schooled. .o.

    I think we need to set up a PMC Homeschool Club!

    Who's with me!


    I would join. Lets make a skype group chat, and we can all game while everyone else is at school. c;
    05/28/2014 6:58 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I'm homeschooled.

    Hey another who is home schooled. .o.

    Since I'm homeschooled, I'm surrounded by mature people on the internet, not immature dingbats in the real world. I'm not saying all of them are, but I'm still smarter than most all of them.
    05/28/2014 6:49 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    Lexigall123456I literally have to lie about my age. I know its bad, but I'm 11 and I'm in 9th grade, and I'm a dev. You think people are going to buy that one? ;-;

    Do you live in the US? Are you lying/joking here? Cause 9th grade is Freshman in high school, and 11 is REALLY young for high school...

    Im gonna be 13 in high school. you never know really, if he is in the US he might have entered kindergarden early and not been held back.

    PizzaPenguin_Notcie how pretty much every 11, 12, and 13 year old on this thread says they're mature for their age and they're the only ones arguing to not be judged by age. Older people have experience, and in most situations, more maturity. Most people also thought they were mature for their age when they were younger, but then as they got older, realized how stupid they looked. Kids these days try to grow up way too fast. Enjoy being a kid, and let older people take on more responsibilities. You'll miss being a kid later. Besides, most of you are immature anyways, you just don't realize it because you might be more mature than one of your buddies at school.

    I'm more mature than a 16 year old i have on skype.

    I'm homeschooled.
    05/28/2014 6:48 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    Creeper Crafter_2013You cannot judge one person because of the actions of a few, that pretty much sums up this issue...

    05/28/2014 6:38 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I had a problem with PEX once when I was learning.
    05/28/2014 2:29 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I sent an email! This sounds really fun.
    05/28/2014 2:20 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    1. IGN: Lexigall1234
    2. Real Name (optional but a better chance of getting our trust): Alexis, but you can call me Lexi or Alex.
    3. Age: 13, almost 14. In 9th grade, learning java.
    4. Are you good at building? Rate yourself 1/10(BE HONEST): I'm a head builder on a few servers, I would say a 8 and a half.
    5. How many servers have you been staff on? If so, list the IP(s): I took a long break from minecraft, so I don't remember the IP's but I know there were a lot. Admin on about 12-14, and Mod on 6-8. I've been playing for over 3 years.
    6. Skype: (optional but better chance of getting in): lexi.marie511
    7. Email (required: to tell if you got the job.): shysniper@yahoo.com

    Extra info: (This is some info from a longer app I made.)

    Do you have any technical knowledge? Yes I do. I specialise is PermissionsEX. I have written permissions for around 5 different severs all of which the permissions have run smoothly without any errors. I also know the basics of HTML, PermissionsEx and am starting to learn a little Java, JavaScript and C++

    Other Info: For someone my age, I am very mature. I'm home schooled, and in 9th grade. I am going to college in about 3 years instead of 6. So I am not only mature, but extremely smart for my age. I feel like age shouldn't matter as long as the player is smart, and mature. I am from New york.

    Thanks:P (Add me on skype if accepted.)
    05/28/2014 2:14 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    05/28/2014 2:11 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    I literally have to lie about my age. I know its bad, but I'm 11 and I'm in 9th grade, and I'm a dev. You think people are going to buy that one? ;-;
    05/26/2014 7:31 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    Kitten meat
    05/26/2014 7:20 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    Made me their girlfriend.
    05/26/2014 7:08 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    IGN: lexigall1234
    How good are you at acting: I've always wanted to be an actor, I've practiced a lot, and once I get comfortable I think I'm pretty good.
    Do you have Hamachi: Yes.
    Why do you want to take part in this video: I feel like it's a good opportunity for me to start getting into the acting community.
    from one to ten: what is your maturity level: Probably a 8/9, I can be funny and all but I'm mostly serious.

    Also; I'm a girl. So if you need a girl actor, I'm here.
    05/26/2014 7:00 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    05/26/2014 5:21 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    When was the last time you ate a butterfly?
    05/24/2014 6:46 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
    Lexigall123456's Avatar
    *Name- Alexis, but you can call me Lexi or Alex.
    *Age- 13, turning 14.
    *Position Applying For- Admin/HeadAdmin.
    *Working Mic?- Yes. Logitech H390's.
    *Skype- lexi.marie511
    *TimeZone- EST
    *Knowledge Of Staffing- I have previously owned my own Minecraft server, multiple times actually. I have a lot of experience in being a staff member, I've been Mod/Admin on numerous servers, and I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to server issues and staff problems.
    Knowledge Of Plugins- I am learning Java, so I'll soon know how to make plugins, not just manage them. I know how to set up and fix PEX and GM, but more PEX because almost all my servers ran off of it. I know basically every essential plugin for every server, so if you need any help with that just let me know!
    *What can you offer- Lots of time and effort put into the server. I am home schooled and I get straight A's, so being on the server 10+ hours a day isn't really a problem. I can bring lots of players, and I can solve arguments very well. I think every server needs someone that can handle all of the drama goes on, because trust me, there is a lot. xD
    *Language- English, Norwegain and some Spanish.
    Able to Donate?- Yes, $20-$50.

    I really hope you consider me as one of your staff members! If you need any more questions, feel free to add me on skype.

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