lnsomnia's Avatar
Level 17
Journeyman Cake

About Me

Hey all! I recently got back into Minecraft after quitting for two years. I made this account specifically to make various skins of characters from games/shows/books that either don't have skins made for them, or improving on already existing skins that aren't so great. I can't say I am much of an artist, but I try my best. I always follow "quality over quantity". I hope you end up liking my works.
Regarding myself, I'm extremely boring and introverted. Most of my hobbies consist of just reading and playing games. I wish I had something cool about me to tell, but I really don't. But hey, I still play Minecraft a lot, as well as a few games on Steam a lot, maybe if we have a game in common we can play together sometime.
I probably won't interact with the community a whole lot, mostly because I have had many bad experiences trying to fit into a community. I always end up saying something or doing something that pisses everybody off... I never mean to do that, I just wish people took it a bit easier and are more accepting of mistakes. After all, I'm only human.

My main goal with making this account is to hopefully give some more love to characters people never thought about bringing into Minecraft. I would also hope to get to level 18 so I can get the Procrastinator title, but that'll probably never happen.

Thanks for stopping by! If you have questions about me still, don't be afraid to ask. I won't bite! ...maybe.

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