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Level 7
Apprentice Modder

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    08/10/2016 1:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    08/10/2016 1:25 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Hello, I would love to be staff here contact me on Skype @ItzSolar_ .
    08/08/2016 4:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Guys good news! I got my job back.
    08/07/2016 7:18 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Hello can I apply?
    08/06/2016 7:53 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    I will tell The owner now
    08/01/2016 2:56 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    I am Tyler and will accept or decline over Skype or here

    Please follow the format and you must be 12 or over.

    By the way I am not the owner so don`t mistake me please, I am the Co-Owner of the server the Owner is Malik888

    These are our staff.
    07/29/2016 9:37 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Admin Application
    Name (Or what you'd like to be called): Tyler
    Gender: Male
    Minecraft Username: ItzTylerPvP
    Skype(Can give through messages if accepted): xRoyalTylerx
    Age: 17
    Maturity Level (1-10): 9
    How Much Time Can You Dedicate Each Day To The Server : 22+ hours
    Why Do You Want To Be Staff On FeintMc: I love to help out servers and got nothing better to do than sit at my house and play Minecraft.
    What Can You Do For This Server Or What Sets You Aside From Others: I am nearly a adult and I have once been staff MCWNetwork which Is a server with around 500 people. It looks like a good server and I would love to be there for your community, I would not allow hackers, spammers, glitchers etc.
    Any Previous Experience As Staff: Yes I have been staff on 11 servers some of them being a Head-Admin, Moderator, Admin, Helper.
    Anything You'd Iike Me To Know (Not required): I like chicken.
    07/28/2016 4:07 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    I know it is.
    07/27/2016 9:06 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Didn`t you see the other app?
    You will be denied.
    07/27/2016 7:22 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: ItzTylerPvP

    Age: 17

    Past moderation experience (Any games count.): I have been staff on 11 servers in Minecraft and 5 in Gmod

    Why you want to be a staff member: I am very responsible and want to help the server out! I can be on 22+ hours and have nothing better to do than moderate servers.

    What qualifies you more than someone else: Many things, I know a little bit about plugins, I am staff on another server but it is never up so I can always be here to help

    How often could you be on the server (Must be very often): 22+ hours
    07/22/2016 7:03 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Rulkiewicz002NotBlueLink's Application Admin Form
    ~~ Minecraft name:
    How long have you been playing on the server?:​

    Soon i will join
    What is your best memory playing the server?:​
    A memory that everyone should have; feeling loved and accepted when you sign on for the first time.
    Any past Admin experiences? If so, please describe:​
    No, but i hope to get some experience

    Describe yourself:​
    Okay, here we go. I'm 13, and mature for my age. I know everyone tends to say that, but I nearly never get angry with anyone, and instead deal with it how it should be dealt with. I tend to have a very playful and memorable attitude and, in my experience, that attitude creates an environment in which people are more willing to cooperate and strive to enjoy themselves. I tend to come across as extremely motherly and caring, and that's because I honestly do wish the best for everyone and hope to aid them in all areas. I'm quick to warn and correct, but always retain a polite attitude, even when the situation remains unchanged after a warning. The only thing that may hinder me from being a good mod is that I can't stand discussion about politics or religion, and may jump at that. Otherwise, I'm very creative and organized and love to spend extra time keeping everything neat and manageable. I'm a very active player, .​
    As a potential Admin, describe how you would make a difference in This server:​
    I would focus on maintaining the peace, assisting players in making their ideas reality, and keeping everyone active and entertained. I hate seeing people complain about being bored, and that's easily fixable by conversing with them or suggesting a new idea. I would keep the peace by reminding people of the rules before any situation became too big of a deal, and caring for everyone involved, newbie or veteran. ​

    GMT-5, and I tend to play Alot.
    Additional comments:​
    I know I'm somewhat new here, and that I still have some learning to do. I don't expect to be accepted, and instead am just hoping to get the experience of filling out the form properly. Thank you for reading!​

    I would kick or mute someone who is being racist

    I have never been banned nor disobeyed any rules in minecraft

    I really Like Your application, But can you use the format above Please Thanks

    This is copied and pasted.
    07/22/2016 7:03 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Ign: ItzTylerPvP
    Skype: Tyler ItzTylerPvP
    Age: 17
    Why would you like to work for this server?: It looks like a wonderful and I would pay for the server if needed.
    Do you have any experiences With being an Administrator: Yes I have been admin on 11 servers!
    How much hours can you spend on MultiGen?: 18+
    How would you handle a stressful Situation?: If it was with players, just mute them for a while to calm them down.
    What other servers have you worked on?: OPNation, CriticalFactions, And 9 more.
    Why Should we Accept you?: I bring alot to offer to the server and I`m 17 which means I have nothing better to do than sit in my room and be a admin on a server.
    What do you have unique to offer?: Many things! That I Would love to share with all of you.
    07/22/2016 2:19 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    What is your Minecraft username? ItzTylerPvP

    How old are you? 17

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? UK

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I am on 18+ hours daily

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? Beta version

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? Never been banned kicked or warned.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Lots of places.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I have been staff on 11 different servers and want to help MineTime out!

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? Never played but If I become a Helper I will be on 24/7

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? No but if you want me to donate I will.

    When did you first join Minetime? Never just want to help out.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? Yes I would love to tell you In-game

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? Never give up and keep trying I cant or I give up is not a word.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. ItzTylerPvP (I have a mic but my jaw is broken)

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I really want to help.
    07/21/2016 7:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    This is copied and pasted.
    07/21/2016 2:50 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Whats the IP?
    07/20/2016 4:23 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Great server!
    07/20/2016 1:18 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: ItzTylerPvP

    Wikia Name*: ItzTylerPvP

    Real Name*: Tyler

    Rank you're applying for: Moderator

    Location (country): United Kingdom

    Skype: Tyler | ItzTylerPvP

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Languages (fluently): German and English

    Let me get to know you. I am Tyler and I`m from The UK/ United Kingdom I love to play Minecraft I will be on 18+ hours a day so you can count on me! I want to let you get to know me In-game.

    R: ___

    Why do you want to become a staff member for Hexagonic Network? It looks like a wonderful server so I would like to help a new server out. I have never been banned! If I get to help I will not let you down!

    R: ___

    What is your previous experience with being a staff member? I have been staff on 9 servers Moderator on 7 Head-Admin on 1 and Admin on 1

    R: ___

    Why do you think you'll be a good staff member? I have many skills that I would love to share with people and you!

    R: ___

    How often do you play Minecraft? This includes on school days, weekends, summer etc. All day everyday.

    R: ___

    Any extra information you want to talk about?* No just wanna help this server out!

    R: ___
    07/20/2016 11:08 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Ok again
    07/19/2016 7:54 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Hey can I be staff I`m 17 and have been staff on 9 different servers.I would love to help I am happy being a Moderator, Admin or helper my Skype is Tyler | ItzTylerPvP And my IGN is ItzTylerPvP.
    07/19/2016 5:49 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Mallive's Avatar
    Happy mavelle just Happy!

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