MCJapanga's Avatar
Level 45 Master Necromancer


TL;DR - I don't use this account anymore. Please, don't use this account to try and contact me, you won't get a response. Read down below if you want my current social media information.

I've stopped using this account. When i started using this site - I was a 12 year old with no real friends or social life and spent almost all my time playing either Skyrim or Minecraft. I had not been around in the public enough or had even really lived life enough to be saying and making the criticisms i had been trying to make. Truth be told, i cringe thinking back to this account and what i posted with it. I'm 15, 16 in two months with a career in music making/production, graphic design and video editing coming closer by the day, and plenty of great, inspiring, supportive friends who i couldn't be more glad to have met. I'm proud of the structure and style i've managed to integrate into my life, and i wouldn't want to do anything to change that.

Thank you all for the time i spent here. I spend little time thinking back to my old gaming days, but it was a surely an interesting time and i met a lot of great people back in those days - and if any of you see this, hope you're doing well. It was also a very important lesson-learning period in my life of how to act and how not to. If what i did on this site intrigued you, and you want to keep following my work - visit the links below. Cheers.


- Liam, formerly Japanga

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