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  • MocchaCat's Avatar
    December 18, 2023, 3:08 pm to Public

    My profile is kinda dead but I'd like to write down the things that have been happening, minecraft-wise to me.

    Ever since the Cashew model, i've been playing around with blockbench and I'm confident enough to go back to that project! I'm nailing down what makes a model "minecrafty" enough, and texturing is absolutely my worst skill, but I'm hopeful that I'll improve working on this to the point i'm not needing to color pick from texture packs I like anymore.

    I'be been playing on 1.12, which is my favourite version, so I kinda fell out on CITs. That's a bummer. However...

    My partner got an opportunity as a full-stack developer, it's the best christmas gift we could've gotten since he's big on coding and fresh out of highschool. He's a minecraft nerd like me, and since we have a coder and a modeler, our conclusion is the same as yours: we're playing around with mod making, since there's a whole lot of ideas we'd like to see out there, and no shade to anyone who uses MCreator, but mods made with it are generally lacking, hard to learn coding from, harder to maintain in the long run, and in general, MCreator is useful only for those self indulgent mods of ideas that you want for your personal gameplay, and not a wider mod. There comes a point in what you know about modding where MCreator feels more like a deterror than an actual useful tool, and we are both at that point.

    Me and him are pretty in tune about what we want except for what version we should focus on. He wants modern minecraft but I'm deadset on legacy (1.12 and prior) because that's what I play, and why wouldnt I make mods for a playerbase I'm a part of? That benig said I'm pretty sure that my goal 2024 will be to learn to code for 1.12.2. He can handle all the other versions lol.

    My college classes wont begin until mid-february so I got plenty of free time and if I use it wisely I can improve more on skills that modding requires. That is, if my crippling perfectionism ever lets me say something is good enough for a full mod.

    It's hard not to get hyped since recently i've been playing/modeling all the time now. I have lots of ideas that I hope that with time can become true. Only time and myself can tell, though.

    Sorry for the rambling in PMC of all places. Maybe if I record things I wont be burnt out so easily? idk.

    Merry chirstmas to those who celebrate!๐ŸŽ„
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