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    08/10/2014 8:14 pm
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    Can someone tell me who Nymus is and why he is banned?
    08/07/2014 2:20 pm
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    08/06/2014 8:10 pm
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    (( I have no idea where to start.))
    08/05/2014 11:03 am
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    Granted, but no one believes that you're the king of the world so they continue with their current government.

    I wish I had a cookie tree.
    08/02/2014 5:09 pm
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    Granted, but it can only be used in Aperture Science, which doesn't exist.

    I wish I was a wizard.
    08/01/2014 3:57 pm
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    Ok, I toned it down. Is that good enough or do I need to do more?
    08/01/2014 3:21 pm
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    Name: Ual'laboru
    Race: Illithid
    Faction: Other
    Backstory: (Using D&D Illithid lore for this)
    Ual'laboru, like all other illithids, was once a tiny larva, implanted inside the brain of a human. He would soon consume the human, and become Illithid. Once it was complete, he felt strong, no longer was he a petty larva, but an Illithid, the most superior race ever known. Ual, like all other illithids, was taught the laws, the history, and culture of the illithids. This, as expected, caused Ual to have a deep hatred for the elves. At a later age, Ual was trained in magic, he had a natural talent for it, and learned quickly. Though it was weak, it was still useful.

    When Ual became a mentally mature Illithid, he was sent out to seek an alliance with the Paladins, which he thought incredibly absurd, since Illithids are the true master race, but he followed the orders. He swam up to the shore, and walked onto the beach. The first thing he noticed was the sun. He hissed, and covered his eyes. Spending your entire life underground will make the sun a real menace. Removing his arm from his eyes, he continued his walk in the sun. The god forsaken sun.

    Eventually, Ual came across a forest. Normally, he would assume it was the elves' forest, but he had spent far too long in the sun, and his head was not in the right place. He ran into the forest, and sat down in the shade of a tree. "I'll just take a break here." He thought to himself, "just a short...break...." His head fell back against the tree, and he was asleep.

    "You think it's dead?" A voice said. "I don't know, should I stab it?" Another voice asked. "No, no!" The first voice said. "Not yet, anyway." Ual's eyes fluttered open. He saw two figures standing infront of him. His vision was hazy, he couldn't tell what they were. "It's waking up!" The second voice said. "Stay still, mindflayer" the first voice said. Mindflayer. Mindflayer. Ual looked up slowly. "Did you just call me, a mindflayer?" He asked, his voice echoing through the first voice's head. His vision was clear now. He could see what they were. Elves. Ual got up and swung his claws at the first elf, knocking it to the the ground. The second elf hesitated for a second, but it got its sword out and swung at Ual, the elves' hesitation gave Ual an opportunity to dodge, and knock the sword out of the elves' hand. He lifted his hand for an attack, but the first elf stabbed him, which gave the second elf an opportunity to punch him across the face. Ual backhanded the second elf, and turned to the first. Ual swung his claws, but the elf was quick, and dodged the swipe, cutting Ual's arm. Using his telepathic powers, he screamed in the elves' head. It disoriented Ual and the elf, but Ual was ready for it, so he recovered faster. He slit the elves' throat with his claws, and turned to the next. The elf was angry, and swung. The elves' anger made it sloppy and reckless, allowing Ual to dodge the swing and make a cut across their stomach. The elf fell to the ground, grabbing its stomach. "Mercy...Please..." The elf begged. Ual laughed, opened his mouth, and consumed the brain. With that done, he decided to venture further into the forest, intent on killing more elves. He reached a clearing in the forest, and saw a few elves marching through the forest. He was about to attack, when he looked a little closer. There wasn't just a few elves. There was an army. He understood why an alliance with the Paladins was neccesary. Although the illithids may be superior to the elves, in a way as a master is superior to a slave, if there are many slaves, the master will be overwhelmed, and killed. He ran as fast as he could, away from the army, and out of the forest.
    Click to reveal

    The land this roleplay takes place in: A'Krai evry tiem :'(
    Sex / Gender: Male
    07/28/2014 11:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Sweet Jesus please add Illithids.
    07/28/2014 11:26 pm
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    Granted, but the baby hurt you more.

    I wish I had a million dollars worth of coupons.
    07/28/2014 12:52 pm
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    Anyone else get a malware warning?
    07/27/2014 7:51 pm
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    Granted, but Disney buys Valve and cancels all 3 of them.

    I wish I had 1,000,000 euros, or...is it pounds? I don't know, whichever is more.
    07/27/2014 1:44 pm
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    07/27/2014 12:44 pm
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    Granted, but you are killed by 10 ghostly gibus brass beast heavies.

    I wish I had 1,000,000 dollars.
    07/25/2014 11:51 pm
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    Error. Error. No wish to corrupt. Must...Make...Wish....

    I wish there was a wish to corrupt!

    07/23/2014 11:28 pm
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    I was on some random server, and the admin asked if anyone wanted to see his house. I said yes, and he teleported me to him. I ate some cake, which he said was world guarded, and I was banned for hacking.
    07/23/2014 10:54 am
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    Banned for unbanning everyone.
    07/21/2014 10:40 pm
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    An anchor.
    We will kill them all.
    07/19/2014 10:59 am
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    It sounds like a good idea.
    07/18/2014 6:48 pm
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    This is explained in the DLC Dawnguard, but the Snow Elves were not originally falmer at all or even called by the term "Falmer".

    History from the Elder Scrolls Wikipedia:
    Peace with the Atmorans

    When the Atmorans arrived from Atmora, the Snow Elves struck up a somewhat comfortable relationship with the humans. While at first peaceful, the Snow Elves soon discovered that the humans, though they lived shorter lives, grew in population rapidly.

    Main article: Night of Tears

    As they regarded the humans as a lesser species, the elves had little qualms about the slaughter they intended to commit. This genocidal spree would be known as the Night of Tears. However, this decision would cost them greatly - almost their entire society - as Ysgramor would survive and return to the original Nord homeland of Atmora to raise an army. Ysgramor and his army, known as the Five Hundred Companions, would return to Skyrim to take revenge on the Snow Elves. The series of events that would soon follow would be known as the Return, and with this return, a new war would begin.

    Initial coexistence between men and Snow Elves was largely peaceful. However, the peace was short-lived, as an attack by Snow Elves destroyed the rapidly growing settlement of Saarthal. It was known as the "Night of Tears". This raid on Saarthal destroyed the entire population of the city save for Ysgramor and his two sons. The death of his countrymen prompted Ysgramor to summon his Five Hundred Companions - the namesake and forbearers of the Companions in Whiterun - and vow to drive the Snow Elves from Skyrim forever.


    The Dwemer agreed to grant them refuge, but at a high price. The Snow Elves were forced to eat toxic plants in order to live underground. The toxins gradually destroyed their sight, and this loss was passed down to their offspring. The Dwemer then forced the blind Snow Elves into slavery.[8]

    Not all of the Snow Elves agreed to such a price.[8] Splinter groups had formed to search for alternate solutions. These elves sought out other alliances, but, ultimately, most were slaughtered, vanished, or gave in and accepted the Dwemer's offers.[8]

    Over time, the Snow Elves began to devolve into twisted, blinded creatures, becoming the degenerate race now known as the Falmer. They were slaves of the Dwemer and over time, their history was lost as they became increasingly primal. Because of this, it is commonly believed that the Snow Elves were actually tricked into blindness and slavery, rather than having agreed to the situation to survive. This is debunked, however, upon speaking to Knight-Paladin Gelebor. He states that most Snow Elves agreed to the Dwemer's terms to avoid being eradicated by the Atmorans.

    Some pockets of Snow Elf resistance remained but it appears all were eventually eliminated. Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal discusses a military campaign against Snow Elf refugee forces as late as 1E139 under the First King of Skyrim, Harald.

    Despite this, Gelebor believes there may be other isolated Snow Elf survivors scattered across Tamriel.[8]

    Modern FalmerEdit

    Not all Snow Elves suffered the fate of slavery under the Dwemer, however. It appears that elves such as Knight-Paladin Gelebor and various other religious followers were able to evade death by the Nords or enslavement to the Dwarves. Living in seclusion, they appear to have kept mostly to their various shrines.[9]

    They show pity to their primal brethren, whom they refuse to call Falmer, instead referring to them as "the Betrayed." They reject the name of Falmer for themselves as well, preferring to be called "Snow Elves".[8]

    The largest gathering of these elves were at the Chantry of Auri-El. However, after a massive raid by the Betrayed, Knight-Paladin Gelebor and his brother, Arch-Curate Vyrthur, seem to be the only survivors.[9] It is unknown how many other sanctuaries exist where Snow Elves can be found — assuming there are any left to begin with.

    No, Snow Elves were called Falmer, before all that jazz. See, Falmer is elven for Snow Elf, like Altmer is High Elf, and Dunmer is Dark Elf. Since the Atmorans were the first humans to settle on Tamriel, they brought their language with them, so it would make no sense for the Snow Elves to call themselves something from a language they've never heard before, especially since they thought the men as nothing more than animals. The reason Gelebor calls himself a Snow Elf is because a falmer to the average traveller is some goblin thing that lives in Dwarven ruins, not the proud race of elves that once inhabited Skyrim.
    07/15/2014 5:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    and sassy neloth

    he is best npc totes


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