Level 29
Expert Button Pusher

Wall Posts

  • peachiichim
    December 21, 2018, 11:29 am to Public
    I've started a running joke in my house, that whenever I yell hewwo randomly, everyone else is legally forced to say it back

    it's become a habit now

    everyone is doing it, so now I am also legally forced to reply it

    I love my life dear god
    peachiichim2018-12-22 13:53:24
    PMC2018-12-21 12:05:23
  • peachiichim
    November 27, 2018, 11:09 pm to Public
    guess who's dead again :)


    i'm gonna be more inactive than usual, which is a lot of inactivity!!!! anyway, thanks for still hanging around!!it means a lot!! ok byeee, stay healthy!!!

  • peachiichim
    October 24, 2018, 11:45 pm to Public
    yooo mono is great. please check it out, amazing songs!!!!
    anyway i'm sick and i am STILL unable to make skins which sucks, but i'll try to make one sometime soon

    ok bye~ stay healthy! :)
    peachiichim2018-10-25 08:46:31
    o tyvm~ i'll try harder to get better now :D
    inactivespoon2018-10-25 06:33:34
    get well soon~
  • peachiichim
    August 24, 2018, 8:59 pm to Public
    in under 24 hours IDOL got to #1 on trending on yt!! i'm so happy- if any armys see this-- great job!! bts deserves the recognition they've been receiving! (i proud of uuu~~)

    ps. i've got some new skin plans, so yeah~~
  • peachiichim
    August 16, 2018, 2:52 pm to Public
    i finally made a skin.... in august.. finally- after i said i'd be active...

    don't trust me lol
  • peachiichim
    June 5, 2018, 1:08 pm to Public
    im so busy with school lately i cant post as often as i had- which, take note, is lower than low- but i'll probably post a little bit now.. im going to have august off and im sure of that so either i'll be a bit active or equally as dead as i am today.

    anyway thanks for not unsubbing~ byebye
  • peachiichim
    April 14, 2018, 1:50 pm to Public
    hi again i just wanted to say i went on an anime binge and found tokyo mew mew?? i watched all episodes in 2 days and wasted my tears on the last four episodes.... why? i don't know. i did it though.

    it's a new kind of thing for me since i'm not often a fan of animes like sailor moon (even though i liked both that and tokyo mew mew, it's just the majority of those types of animes aren't the best for me)--if you are watching it, or haven't.. i guess i recommend it since it was fantastic and all, just be prepared for like 17 tropes coming at you all at once and then smacking you in the face..(which isn't that bad, just a tad bit cringy i guess) ok bye i'm leaving now ty for ur time

    p.s. i'm not a toTaL sUpER uLTra AnImE FaN
    i just enjoy watching a couple animes every now and then... i don't know why i felt the need to say that but anyway bYE
    ItsPyro2018-04-14 20:51:32
    You should watch Cory in the House
  • peachiichim
    April 4, 2018, 10:42 pm to Public
    hi im dead and im gonna be inactive for idk how long but i wish you guys the best and ty for not unsubscribing you're great
    ps please listen to face yourself its f a n t a s t i c ♦
  • peachiichim
    March 3, 2018, 11:59 pm to Public
    hey, i kept my word...i updated my art blog and im p r o u d.
  • peachiichim
    March 2, 2018, 9:31 pm to Public
    hi sorry i'm still dead- i won't be for too long, i just need to finish a couple designs and i'll be officially back to posting! :)) also, i will be heading on vacation from the 22nd of this month to april 3rd, so please do not expect me to post much, if at all, for about a week or so after i come back!! ty! ♥ (PS.i will update my art blog and wall postings as much as i can!!) love you guys, thanks for not unsubscribing to this corpse ♥♥
  • peachiichim
    February 16, 2018, 10:36 pm to Public
    i'm changing my name from haruko to peachiichim ha..ha.. im just kind of out of the anime phase so, yeaaaah. hope you guys don't mind!!
  • peachiichim
    February 16, 2018, 2:44 pm to Public
    i'm thinking of making skins for the BT21 characters as humans?? i really like the idea and i personally think it'd be a start of more vibrant colors.. just a thought came into my head randomly and i wanted to know if you guys think it'd be a good idea or not! :) (also if you don't know what BT21 is i'd most definitely suggest looking them up! very cute!)
  • peachiichim
    February 13, 2018, 7:39 pm to Public
    hey i finally updated my art blog, i'm gonna keep trying to update it as frequently as possible! if any of you want to check it out, it's somewhere in my submission gallery lol :)) *shameless self advertisement right there dude!!
  • peachiichim
    December 6, 2017, 2:41 pm to Public
    mmph i knew i said i wouldn't come back, but screw that ha, i'll occasionally post?? anyway hi im back, how are yall? :)
