Perasha's Avatar
Level 46 Master Engineer

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  • Perasha's Avatar
    October 17, 2020, 4:27 pm to Public
    Hey lads! For those of you who follow me on here, you're about to see some changes! Though I haven't been posting much, I promise I've got a few things in the background that you'll see shortly :)

    One of the first orders of business is the name change! I use Perasha on most platforms that I'm active in, so I'll be making that same change here. After that, I'll be posting a new version of Warp Sigils (probably with a different name, we'll see), and it'll have a little... different twist, let's say! In addition, I plan on releasing a 1.16 version of Pocket Dimensions that actually uses custom dimensions instead of the End Dimension, so stay tuned! The 1.15 version will no longer be updated, but you'll still be able to access it.

    I hope to have the new datapacks uploaded by at least the start of November, but with college getting closer to midterms, I'm not sure when it will be.

    That's all for now, stay tuned for the next few weeks!
  • Perasha's Avatar
    April 26, 2020, 1:19 am to Public
    Hey guys! For those of you who may be waiting for an update to the two datapacks I have (or no one, maybe you've all moved on, I don't know your life, and that's ok!), rest assured they're coming soon!

    I've finally gotten some time these past few days to really hammer at Warp Sigils especially; the forceload bug was bothering me so bad that I just had to try and find a workaround, and I did! Special thanks to gr1309 for commenting and sharing Swifter1243's solution (I say it's a "solution" but it's more like a technique?). I didn't exactly use his method, but I did use the same concept to keep forceloaded chunks loaded. It was a painful several days until I realized that the world I was working on was corrupted... always make sure that's the case before screaming at your computer!

    In any case, the update for the Warp Sigils will roll out hopefully within the next day or two. I'm planning on fixing a couple other things; let's be honest, having to name your new sigils every time is a bit of a bother, wouldn't you agree? What if you didn't even need a name to teleport to one?

    And in the case of Pocket Dimensions, I'll hopefully be able to add similar functionality within a few days later. Maybe. We'll see!

    TL;DR: Updates for both of my datapacks are coming within the week, it'll fix bugs!

    Stay safe out there lads and lasses; cheers!

    p.s. I've also worked on a few "under-the-radar" datapacks in the meantime. Apocalypses and ghosts, anyone? :)
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