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Level 12
Journeyman Mage

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    07/05/2015 12:38 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    07/05/2015 12:33 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    07/05/2015 12:25 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    O shit sorry wrong guy you are accepted but i do not think there is any places left if there is i will contact you
    07/05/2015 12:22 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    I am sorry the server is having some technical diffucilitys and you are not fit for head admin and admin is full you either get moderator or helper
    07/05/2015 12:19 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    Hey good idea on copying a application
    07/05/2015 12:25 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    O shit sorry wrong guy you are accepted but i do not think there is any places left if there is i will contact you
    07/04/2015 11:18 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    its pasificgaming
    07/04/2015 8:42 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    whats the ip?
    07/04/2015 8:28 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    .) Username and age Mast0rPanda Age 15
    2.) Contact info Skype, curse or teamspeak Pasificgaming - Skype
    3.) What will you do for the Community? I will help the server grow and have more players stop hackers etc ban then stop arguments i will not allow sexuality etc i will stop anyone from using racist or homophobia.
    4.) Asking over and over for staff will get you muted I understand this
    I rate your server 9.3 not 10/10 because some of it is unfair to new players.
    Ill add something)Experience: I have alot of experience in being a staff member i know what to do how to help people and how to stop arguments i know when to stop a fight and what commands i should use if people are being racist or using sexuality in the sentences. I know much more commands then you thing i know how to use group manager etc.
    Why You Should choose me: You should choose me because I am nice and mature. And some people Just want Mod/Admin for the Power and The Fame of the server. Well that's not me. I am on everyday as much as I can and am always watching out for hackers, spammers, advertisers, ETC.. I like to get rid of people who don't belong to places because I don't want people to ruin good times for others that just like to play the game. I don't brag as others do to and make others feel bad that they didn't get the Mod/Admin rank. My job will be to make sure everyone is happy and safe and the network Will work good without all these people getting in the way. I am also very forum active so if I see any ban appeal or reports I will go check them out and make decisions on them. I am also very good with handling problems Like if people are fighting and cussing and that stuff I can handle it. The only real reason that I am applying for this position is to keep this network chat and game play safe from like spammers hackers advertisers bullies and Lots more. I am good at listening to directions and paying attention to things around me. This would be like my part time Job. I would take this serious but at the same time have fun and talk to people. But most will be paying attention and being aware of everything around me and all the people on. I am the person that wouldn't let anything go past me. If I see a hacker they are getting banned. If I see a spammer they are getting muted. I wont let anyone or anything get bye me because this network will be safe as I said. Now if I have a question or road block on something I will ask other staff because I will always be there for the staff. Ill Take care of the community and not Abuse any Commands that I am Given. I will be on All the time to make sure everything is fine. I wont stick with one server the whole time. I will go around all servers twice the time I am on, Just Keep the Community Safe.Staff should Be Nice and respectful to all players such as I am. The whole point off staff is to make a bigger and Better community and that is what I would do If I where Mod/Admin. There would be a good reason for me to ignore players talking to me If I was staff. I will make sure all questions/concerns are answered And make sure everyone is OK with everything going on. I will be both forum and server active during my Helper/Assistant Rank. I will work my schedule out with you guys if I was Mod/Admin. I will never Lie to a player as a Staff Member. Also Part of being staff is being Truth full and calming all situations down. Such as the owners delete a Game Players like and they Spam and freak out about it, I would be there to tell them what is going on and What will happen, such as other Staff would do I hope. Just my main point to fill this app out is to not Show off To My friends I'm Mod or Admin and abuse or try to takeover the server. And People can get pushy and Annoying and Get mad at Staff, And some People just lose it when others talk to them like that. But not me I wont have a argument with any members or other staff. I know how to control my self and keep calm while they get Pushy and Disrespectful to you. I will just do my Job and not argue about anything.And I do understand the Commands and Plugins of the server.The point is to help and server the Network with care and respect and a Purpose.But At The same time have fun with the Network.
    Maturity : My maturity level is from a scale to 1 to 10 ill say about 9 or 10
    Timezone : Eastern Time Zone
    07/04/2015 8:11 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    wmr you dont even know how to code the last server i was on you asked the owner to *teach you*
    07/04/2015 4:21 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    I guess your ignoring me.....
    07/03/2015 11:26 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    Skype: pasificgaming
    Experience: I have alot of experience in being a staff member i know what to do how to help people and how to stop arguments i know when to stop a fight and what commands i should use if people are being racist or using sexuality in the sentences. I know much more commands then you thing i know how to use group manager etc.
    What you are applying for: Head-Admin or Co Owner
    extra information:You should choose me because I am nice and mature. And some people Just want Mod/Admin for the Power and The Fame of the server. Well that's not me. I am on everyday as much as I can and am always watching out for hackers, spammers, advertisers, ETC.. I like to get rid of people who don't belong to places because I don't want people to ruin good times for others that just like to play the game. I don't brag as others do to and make others feel bad that they didn't get the Mod/Admin rank. My job will be to make sure everyone is happy and safe and the network Will work good without all these people getting in the way. I am also very forum active so if I see any ban appeal or reports I will go check them out and make decisions on them. I am also very good with handling problems Like if people are fighting and cussing and that stuff I can handle it. The only real reason that I am applying for this position is to keep this network chat and game play safe from like spammers hackers advertisers bullies and Lots more. I am good at listening to directions and paying attention to things around me. This would be like my part time Job. I would take this serious but at the same time have fun and talk to people. But most will be paying attention and being aware of everything around me and all the people on. I am the person that wouldn't let anything go past me. If I see a hacker they are getting banned. If I see a spammer they are getting muted. I wont let anyone or anything get bye me because this network will be safe as I said. Now if I have a question or road block on something I will ask other staff because I will always be there for the staff. Ill Take care of the community and not Abuse any Commands that I am Given. I will be on All the time to make sure everything is fine. I wont stick with one server the whole time. I will go around all servers twice the time I am on, Just Keep the Community Safe.Staff should Be Nice and respectful to all players such as I am. The whole point off staff is to make a bigger and Better community and that is what I would do If I where Mod/Admin. There would be a good reason for me to ignore players talking to me If I was staff. I will make sure all questions/concerns are answered And make sure everyone is OK with everything going on. I will be both forum and server active during my Helper/Assistant Rank. I will work my schedule out with you guys if I was Mod/Admin. I will never Lie to a player as a Staff Member. Also Part of being staff is being Truth full and calming all situations down. Such as the owners delete a Game Players like and they Spam and freak out about it, I would be there to tell them what is going on and What will happen, such as other Staff would do I hope. Just my main point to fill this app out is to not Show off To My friends I'm Mod or Admin and abuse or try to takeover the server. And People can get pushy and Annoying and Get mad at Staff, And some People just lose it when others talk to them like that. But not me I wont have a argument with any members or other staff. I know how to control my self and keep calm while they get Pushy and Disrespectful to you. I will just do my Job and not argue about anything.And I do understand the Commands and Plugins of the server.The point is to help and server the Network with care and respect and a Purpose.But At The same time have fun with the Network.
    Maturity : My maturity level is from a scale to 1 to 10 ill say about 9 or 10
    Timezone : Eastern Time Zone
    07/03/2015 11:04 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    Volcalic i didint ban you with that reason but you were banned because you were spamming offensive words also known as Nazi words and the nazi flag etc
    07/03/2015 9:00 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    Mezz has a point though maybe you could do this if you donate more then 10$ you have a much better chance to get a staff member rank
    07/03/2015 7:20 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    Name: Adam Marroquin (Youtube channel is Mast0rPanda)
    Age: 15
    Timezone:Eastern Timezone
    Link To Channel:https: //
    07/03/2015 6:04 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
    PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
    add me on skype it is pasificgaming

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