Phersephatta's Avatar
Level 1 New Crafter



My Name Is Catalina and I come on here when I'm bored.

Extra Cool Info. + Gifs

~ 18 // 5/25/2001 ~

~I am a proud Gemini.~

~I am Bisexual~

~I play on servers such as LOTC and plan on making my own.~

~I will be attending college and majoring in Media Arts(And hopefully a minor in Marketing)~

~I really want to make horror games one day.~

~My Discord is Phersephatta#8585~

~My Steam is SpawnofDeadspawn, If it changes Ill let you know.~

~I got to see Hamilton with the lottery and yes that is a flex.~

~If you want my blizzard name, just let me know~

~We Support every Hargreeves child in this house except for Luther.~

~Here are some Gifs~

I Will Do Commissions If Anyone Finds My Work Worthy Enough,
Lotc Commissions - 50 Mina
Others will be discussed with me pm.

Anyways that's all~

Member Statistics

1,173Profile views
39Experience points
13Discussion posts
Feb 8, 2015Joined PMC
PhersephattaMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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