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  • PixelResolution's Avatar
    March 9, 2017, 10:05 pm to Public
    Hi there! My name is PixelResolution, from TheCactusGamingNetwork, or TCGN! TCGN is a Hub server, which is a server that doesn't focus on a specific gametype or gamemode. Our server includes three gametypes as of right now, including the following:
    -And soon to be multiple minigames!
    Anyways, our server has a bit of a problem right now. For a long while, we've had a maximum of three people working on the server. The owner, and two staff, including myself. We've been working hard on managing plugins, building faction shops, making GUIs, custom creating crates, kits, ranks, and making permissions, and not to mention creating large-scale builds for spawns and the Hub! Can you guess what our problem is yet? Well, let me inform you on it!
    We need builders!
    Our server has a lack of builders, and there's something you can do to help! If you have past knowledge in building servers, and are generally a nice person, well than you're just the right kind of person for TCGN! Generally, we look into only a few things when picking our staff. Attitude, positivity, and their ability to work with others. Skill is not a large aspect in your application. Though of course when I say that, we don't mean somebody who slaps down a dirt shack and calls it a mansion.
    If you think that this server fits your wants and needs, then please, feel free to apply! Note, if you don't receive a reply to an application within one week time, it'd be best to assume that you're application was sadly declined.
    Now, while earlier I may have stated that our server only has about three people max, that doesn't mean that we don't have a good amount of people on our staff team! Though a lot of us aren't builders. I'd like to list a few of our commonly known staff that you'll be introduced to if accepted into our team:
    -Moka, our server host, and most polite friend!
    -FROZENF0RLIFE, or Alex, the server Owner, and main-builder!
    -Nik, the Aussie! He works, but only sometimes. Slacker!
    -Gominator, the standard WoW freak. He used to help.
    -OriginalSnow, or Kevin, the owner's best friend.
    -Picky, a new addition to the staff team.
    -Me, Pixel! I've been here since the beginning, and am an admin!
    -And possibly you!
    Finally, to end this form, I'd like to restate some of my points.
    TCGN is a 1.8-1.11.2 compatible server that is looking for builders! We've been up for about five months, and are a W.I.P Hub server.
    With some of that said, don't hesitate to apply if you would like to join!
    Apply here: https://goo.gl/forms/oDEERCDPm6827xY92
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