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Level 7
Apprentice Artist

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    06/27/2013 8:45 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Try contacting a ton of really popular youtubers and ask them to make you a happy birthday video, and then think of a present. When I turn 12 im gonna try the youtube video thing >3<
    06/27/2013 8:39 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    He cant kill you. Kick his ass.
    06/27/2013 8:35 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    If you want to get mad about it, go elsewhere.
    06/27/2013 8:29 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Just punch them. Ive done it before .-.
    I'm the only girl in my family of 4 step brothers.
    Its hard.. So so hard.
    2 of my brothers have 1 mom, I have 1 mom, and the other 2 have one mom. We all have the same dad. Me and my 2 older brothers hate my dads guts. If you try, I will always hate my dad. He doesent care about me or my 2 older brothers. If you need an example of how he doesent care about us, he gave me brother a 10 dollar gift card. It was fake. And it was his birthday present. It was the only thing he game him for his birthday. And an example for me is for my eleventh birthday he made me cry. Another example for me is he doesent call me, like to ask me if im ok, or anything. The last time he called me was 4 years ago. Literally. I counted.
    I feel ya dude. Life is hard.
    EDIT: And the only reason he called me was for me to say hi to my little brothers. -_-
    06/26/2013 12:08 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    I have another one!
    Don't throw eggs hoping chickens will pop out of them.....
    06/26/2013 12:06 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Name: Erin
    Age: 11 <_< Meep.. o-o
    Maturity (1-10): 8 1/2
    Humor level (1-10): 8
    Do you have Skype: Yeppers
    If so what is your Skype name: erinmikey
    Dedication level(1-10): 9 1/2
    Any other info about you: I do have a youtube account, but it doesent have minecraft videos. I'm planning on making one for minecraft videos only. And the other thing about Skype is I use my phone. It works *almost* like when skyping from a computer.
    06/25/2013 11:58 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    I have a few...
    1.) Don't eat ANY raw meat in real life... Just no...
    2.) Don't go jumping off a cliff thinking you will respawn......
    3.) Beating a cow with your fist won't kill it. It'll kill you...
    06/25/2013 11:37 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Mew or Mewtwo. Once you are done (If you do them) can I see? Mewtwo is my favorite pokemon ^-^
    06/25/2013 11:35 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    I actually have a very small list...
    1.) Sponge. It does nothing in single player, and I haven't heard of a GOOD use for it in multiplayer yet.
    2.) Bats. So, so annoying, and they drop nothing. What a good use wasted on my diamond sword.
    And last, number 3.) Squid. Ink sacks are only used for black dye and theres normally lots of black sheep. >_> Makes no sence. Just make them sheep furless <_<
    06/24/2013 8:03 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Make it a mix of the walking dead, and left 4 dead. Add stray pets that you can tame and they fight along side you. Add secret places, may seem safe, but have Z bosses in them. Make random fire houses, they can be safe places, but can be breached by Z bosses. Make one gigantic zoo, it has Z pets, and if you tame them without them killing you, Z's wont hurt you. Add Z celebrities, they can all have their own abilities.
    Hope that gave you some inspiration
    06/24/2013 7:56 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Don't really know what DDosing is but it sounds serious. I'd get off the server pronto and change your ip.
    06/24/2013 7:14 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    -Wakes up feeling sick
    -Tells mom
    -Gets on computer
    -Mom comes in with medicine
    -Fights her until she says she wont give me any medicine
    -Continues playing minecraft, and other internet related stuff
    ^ That happens every time...
    06/24/2013 7:04 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Do you think I like ze taco?

    Hint: I does
    06/24/2013 9:30 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Archer: Bow with infinite arrows enchantment, plus extra enchantment of the player's choice.
    Grimm Reaper: Can fly, can do /suicide [name], Ghosts are his slaves. (Must buy)
    06/24/2013 9:24 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    Not that simple. The hair could possibly be wrapped around their uvula. Think mister, think.
    06/24/2013 9:08 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    I have tons but my main ones are the angry endermen noises, rain, doors, and when water hits lava and it makes obsidian.
    06/24/2013 9:01 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    IGN: brookiebear5892
    Age: 11
    Position I would like to be: Mod
    Maturity level (Scale of 1/10): 8/10
    Server(s) I have helped out on before: I've been a moderators helper on SSundee's public server. Its IP is ssundee-mc.com
    Why I should be that position: I have lots of experience, and when I say lots I mean by I learn really fast. I LOVE clean servers and I really want to help out in making one clean. I'm fairly mature, but I joke around a bit.
    Personality: When i'm bored I don't get impatient as fast as others, and I'm rather funny. I'm really social, and I would greet people with kindness on the server. I don't boast, or treat people unkindly. I can get ticked off, for different reasons, but I think my reasons are relatable.
    Things that tick me off: When people spam swag and yolo and budder. When people spell incorrectly for no reason. When people are rude/rasist towards others.
    Other notes or things you should know: I stay up all night, so I could monitor the server when most other staff is asleep. If I say something that offends you (Very unlikely) I don't mean it, I've never said anything to anybody that I thought to be disrespectful or hurtful.
    Thanks for reading, and I hope to be a moderator for your server,

    EDIT: I forgot to add my Skype, which is erinmikey and I tried the IP and it didn't work...
    06/24/2013 8:11 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    I'm gonna go with levels. You can get subscribers any day.
    06/24/2013 8:07 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    rascal555's Avatar
    List of drinks possible to get it unstuck:
    Thick milkshakes
    Pulpy orange juice
    Melted ice cream
    Thick hot chocolate
    Thick coffee (I don't drink coffee but I think it can be thick..)
    List of food possible to get it unstuck:
    Any type of bread (Cupcake, slice of bread ect.)
    Ketch up (Sounds gross but I bet itll work)
    Jello (Maybe?)
    Other ways:
    Keep swallowing
    Try and grab it
    Gag yourself (Warning for this one)

    Hope I helped.

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