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Level 45 Master Enderdragon

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    04/18/2012 5:36 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    I personally don't like the idea. The goal is to stop people who break rules/don't put any effort into stuff without affecting anyone who does (or by affecting them to an extremely small degree). This doesn't accomplish that goal. It's a meh idea to begin with, and the other negative responses sort of reinforce the idea that it's not the best.

    I mean, I've always thought projects should be an area for true PROJECTS to be posted, like custom maps or cities or mansions and such, not houses or little tiny things, but those do belong in the projects section, and so does pixel art.
    04/14/2012 1:18 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    You're missing the point. I was more or less just gloating that I haz originality. I'm not getting involved with any of this.
    04/14/2012 1:12 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    Imma go ahead and bump this... I mean... posted 5 months earlier. In case any of you are wondering why-
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMxrTBPc ... ature=plcp

    *does happy dance*
    03/24/2012 1:47 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    Meh, nevermind, I'm just opening up the server. If you still want to be a faction leader, default members have the permission to.
    03/22/2012 1:56 am
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    But it's not fun to read the entire half-page thread. It's much more worth it to waste your time writing an answer that's already been given.
    03/21/2012 11:50 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    There's a lot of tools out there that can make life easy for terraforming. I would highly suggest looking up how to use brushes for WorldEdit, then go about installing SPC and using it. Be aware, though, WorldEdit works about 20x better when used on a server.

    On top of that, McEdit can be helpful for really really big cuboid-ish stuff that you need to get done, but WorldEdit can do that in-game, so it's not really necessary and can be kind of redundant.

    Finally, I might suggest going to teh googlez. There's a few sooper shecrut tools that can be super awesome helpful if you know where to find them and how to use them.
    02/19/2012 10:58 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    can i be admin im trustworthy and will never grief and will do stuff for you and server video and advertise and blah blah blah

    Firstly, ignore people like this. My general rule of thumb is that I have to Skype with someone and talk to them a while before I ever consider them for admin. Make sure they don't have any giant gaping holes in their character.

    Second- a lot of times, people just want to play. Wherever you advertise, make it a big deal that there's no whitelist or build rights (use sign rank to promote people to a member status which THEN gives them permission to build... the idea is that they can build after only completing something on the server).

    Third- Advertise. Exaggerate the truth (that's how Spongebob and Patrick sold all their chocolate) a tiny bit.

    Fourth- Be awesome. Nobody likes un-awesome servers.
    02/19/2012 10:55 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    It doesn't have a permission node because it's a default minecraft command. You first have to OP yourself/someone from the console, and from there the OPs have the permission to OP other people. If someone gets de-opped, they can't get it back themselves without going into the console. Impossibru.
    02/05/2012 9:08 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    Changed the link to something even more hopelessly happy.
    02/05/2012 9:06 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
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    02/05/2012 9:02 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar

    There's mine if you want it.
    02/05/2012 7:32 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    I'd be willing to as well. Trying to possibly get some YouTube videos up on my channel. It'll be up in 2-3 hours (upload takes a while >_>)

    EDIT: more like 50 mins. Short video. btw I'm also uploading xD Battle of teh videos.
    01/30/2012 8:12 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    I'm going to go with Luigi's Mansion. Mostly because I played it when I was 4 or 5 or something, and when you're four or five things are a lot scarier.
    01/30/2012 4:21 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    No, the adventure update was 1.8. What you're thinking of is Adventure MODE, which hasn't ever been developed due to the fact its only purpose is custom maps, and it seems kind of pointless that you'd have to code a new gamemode just so that people have an easier time following rules.

    EDIT: or, read the post above mine.
    01/29/2012 10:20 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    I'm not sure if I should be scared-- or really scared. Please, never again.
    01/29/2012 10:17 pm
    Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
    s15c's Avatar
    Pretty much everyone is are trying to become a mod. Nearly everyone who isn't breaks the rules. In fact, some people who break the rules still want to be mod. Everything revolves around teh power. Human nature in a nutshell.

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