Saggygranny's Avatar
Level 18
Journeyman Narwhal

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*:..。o○Art I've made ○o。..:*

*:..。o○ Plant school ○o。..:*
I love plants and if you do too but don't have the willpower or skill to take care of them, I've got your back!

Rules of indoor plants:

Make a watering schedule!

Regularly check your plant's root growth and if you can see the roots come out from the bottom of the pot, you need to repot your plant.

If you have animals, PLEASE check if your plants are poisonous to your animals because they could hurt or even kill them.

All plants need sunlight, if the plant says "low light" or something similar, it's the lowest light where it will survive. So if you're unsure, put it in your window and see how it likes it!

Plants that are easy to take care of:

Aloe vera - needs watering every 2-3 weeks

Cactus - needs watering about once a week

Snake plant - needs watering about once a week

Heartleaf philodendron - needs watering every 1-2 weeks

If you have any questions about your plants feel free to either write in my guest book or DM me (:

*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

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