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    Sir Tutto
    10/14/2013 3:36 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/14/2013 2:15 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    No, it won't let me on (it says the reason why is because I'm not whitelisted).
    Sir Tutto
    10/13/2013 8:24 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Can you whitelist me?
    Sir Tutto
    10/13/2013 7:23 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/12/2013 9:38 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Dancing Plague of 1518
    Sir Tutto
    10/12/2013 12:18 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/12/2013 11:50 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    A book
    Sir Tutto
    10/12/2013 11:49 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/12/2013 11:46 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Worm Holes
    Sir Tutto
    10/12/2013 11:45 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    What is greater than God,
    More evil than the devil,
    A poor man has it,
    A rich man needs it?
    Sir Tutto
    10/12/2013 11:38 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/10/2013 10:03 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/10/2013 6:29 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    (The Known) Library
    Sir Tutto
    10/10/2013 6:03 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Lance immediately read the boy's body language and could tell he was exactly like the rest of the Ares Cabin. Clearly always wanting to be the dominant one, who wants himself to be the centre of attention. Lance had to stop himself rolling his eyes, 'maybe I should have just stuck to my book,' he thought. "Hello, Lance, son of Athena," Lance introduced himself. With quick glances, Lance made a note of the boy, his posture military like however seeming quick and temporary. Obviously it was a result of camp which meant at his home it wasn't strict. The other note was his eyes and facial expressions, every once in a while twitching the slightest which meant there was something else hidden in his mind. Also, Lance had noted his choice of clothes, army boots and camo shirt, boots and well groomed. They looked new and washed which indicated either he was a perfectionist or had some sort of issue.

    ((Would be if it weren't for us. Oh and Lance's power/ability is psychologically analysing people ))
    Sir Tutto
    10/10/2013 5:00 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    Name: Tui
    Age: 13
    Username: tutto200
    What Kingdom do you wish to join?: Nagrond
    How long have you been playing Minecraft, and what are you good at?: Ever since 1.2.5. My skills are mostly associated with the social aspect of Minecraft, however, I am mostly an all-rounder. I can mine, PvP, craft, build, write, etc.
    Did you read everything?: Yes
    Skype( not required): Tutto200
    YouTube channel (not required): N/A

    Name: Ser Renaudin
    Age: 29
    Short background/description/etc: Renaudin was born in Naground to a prosperous family. His family was made of a mother, father and one younger brother. Renaudin grew up in the wealthy states of the kingdom, gaining a good education and well being, to the point where he is very recognisable amongst the kingdom's people. In childhood Renaudin always admired sword play and the knights who fought with them thus he trained and trained, mastering the art of the sword. Renaudin moved out of home at the age of 15 and began training as a squire and to-be knight. He passed his trainings and in doing so decided the one job he wanted was Master at Arms which he still aims to be today.
    Sir Tutto
    10/10/2013 4:48 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/09/2013 10:46 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    10/09/2013 10:44 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    A river.
    Sir Tutto
    10/09/2013 9:58 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    Then isn't the answer technically "Yes"?
    Sir Tutto
    10/09/2013 9:44 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Event Manager

    Name: Tui
    IGN: tutto200
    Age: 13
    Are you able to setup events?: Indeed I am, I am able to come up with fun, creative ideas to make events, all based around the server's lore. These events will be sure to include everyone on the server while also arousing curiosity and opinions in the players.
    Are you able to organize and provide details to the Community Manager: Absolutely. I am able to communicate well my ideas and can work well with the staff to get their help and expertise to create events.
    Are you able to get a community ready for an event: Yes, I can warn the server's community by putting word out presented in many ways (oral, signs, builds, themes, etc). I can do this in advance, allowing the community time to discuss it and prepare, while spreading the word amongst themselves.
    Other: I realise this may be a position that will be needed later, however I am able to give great ideas of new lore and plot/conflict.

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