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Apprentice Architect

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    01/13/2012 9:18 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    I totally agree.
    01/13/2012 8:47 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    A blog sounds like a great idea.
    01/13/2012 8:36 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    NeoTalon if you want to give me a PM I can remember to reply if I think of something Innovative/cool you could add gameplay wise.
    01/13/2012 8:25 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    Oh god, please use the edit buttooooooooonnnnnnnnnn

    EDIT: Six posts in a row, he must have set a record here!
    01/13/2012 7:49 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    Bidoduffhmm maybe a random squirel arround the whole game that appears sometimes that give you presents? xD

    Bidoduffbtw nice butt

    Bidoduffbtw i subbed you to see the progress

    Bidoduffbtw i clicked the link in the description and it said "Does not support" or somehtin

    BidoduffHey... i wanna make some tiles, but i need to know how big, and how uhmm dungeon-y xD maybe i can design soem mobs too?

    I'd tell you to use the edit button but that epic quadruple post just took the words right out of my mouth.

    01/13/2012 7:44 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    Oh we were going for subtly? You can do what you wish with my idea.
    01/13/2012 7:36 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    There is a red crab with a human face who refers to himself as Crab Nicholson, he is located on a beach somewhere in the game (where ever you like). He requests that you find him his FAAAAABULOUS looking mittens which he left in his ULTIMATE LAIR OF AWESOMENESS, but all for a great reward! The cave is right next to the beach which is his lair. When in the inventory the mittens have the default options but also and extra "eat" option which when used returns with "These mittens are too FABULOUS to eat, besides you'd probably suffocate." Afterwards he will continue to ask you if you would come and sleep over at his house but when asked the only option is no.

    Game play features could be hidden plastic crabs and when you find them all Crab Nicholson takes you to a secret house with a super awesome reward!
    12/16/2011 6:39 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    12/16/2011 6:02 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    Creative Mode /thread

    Upon further inspection you target the side of the block and right click that. It places a block on the SIDE of the block meaning there is no need for a block underneath.

    P.S Sand and Gravel have gravity.
    12/15/2011 4:52 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    Use the "Edit" button please.
    12/15/2011 12:57 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
    SmileOnSpeedDial's Avatar
    Teacher App
    IGN: SmileZor
    Name: Kyle Fernando (Mr Fernando)
    Age: 23
    Race: Average Human Guy
    Gender: Male
    Teaching Subjects: Information Technology and New Media (Computer Programming/Hardware and Video Editing/Photo Editing)
    Appearance: A moderately tall individual. He has green eyes and dark brown hair that is of a medium length. Always wears a jacket even when its not cold and fancy jeans.
    Backstory: Hes a new teacher to the school and is still learning how to be a teacher. He was an average student when he went to school getting mainly C's in his subjects. He always has enjoyed playing video games and internet culture, this is probably why he didn't get above average grades during high school. Always making funny jokes. He always could be found in his room taking computers apart and trying to fix them. He decided to become a teacher when he knew students weren't getting good teachers for technology related subjects. Not really strict but respect is a two way street.
    Classroom number: Dunno yet!
    Favoritism: Funny Kids that enjoy technology and the internet. Ones that he can share a laugh with but will also do the work they are required to complete.

    I can also help with building and such if its needed

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