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Level 30
Artisan Professor

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    01/14/2012 11:53 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Professor
    spoonodeath's Avatar
    Hey. I consider myself a moderately good skinner. However i know that i should be using shading better. Up until now i have only used Miners Need Cool Shoes, and then graduated to MCSkinEdit. Never using more than one on a skin. I prefer to burn only Hair and Velvety clothing. suggestions?

    View Subject 16
    01/08/2012 7:41 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Professor
    spoonodeath's Avatar
    I didn't feel like reading all of the posts to see if anyone has used this but here i go...

    Flint, because i can be brittle and coarse, and erupt into flames when struck, but also the cause of warmth and protection when i am used right.

    Holy crap where did that come from?
    01/02/2012 11:31 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Professor
    spoonodeath's Avatar
    Unfortunately, if we lived in a world of only love, it would quickly crumble. If you have seen The Matrix Movies you will know what i am talking about. The robots tried putting us into a paradise where there was no war or hate or violence, but it didn't work, the "world" crumbled, so they recreated life as we knew it.

    And so my highest rated hates would be:

    1. Tea Party Candidates - Is it just me, or are these people the most evil, racist, homophobic, Christians (not that i have anything against the majority of Christians, just the evil, racist, homophobic ones) the world has to offer.

    2. Bad grammar - First i'm gonna say that i am guilty of this up and down... i have horrible grammar, but i use spell check whenever i need it, and try to retain spelling. Probably my dad being a Grammar Nazi, and then saying things like, "anyting" or "whateva". XD Irony for the win!

    3. Text talk when posting in a forum or blog, basically whenever you aren't texting. I don't mind facebook chat, but other then that , it is stupid and inappropriate to use. I have seriously seen kids using text talk for school projects. That's just horrible.
    12/22/2011 9:56 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Professor
    spoonodeath's Avatar
    These are all fantastic ideas thanks! Now i have something to do when hiding from my family on Christmas XD
    12/12/2011 5:11 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Professor
    spoonodeath's Avatar
    IOS all the way, best app store, least hackable (though that isn't saying much), most refined, most user friendly... Plus i own an IPhone.
    12/10/2011 9:29 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Professor
    spoonodeath's Avatar
    View Book Man

    This is mah entry... i think it came out really good!

    Looks better in 3D
    12/09/2011 7:23 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Professor
    spoonodeath's Avatar
    BlackFTW, LordMorgo, KittyKarnage, (basically anyone from the RP thread), SourC00kie, CreeperCarole, and Cyprezz would have to be my favorites, though i have many a person who i haven't mentioned here...

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