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Forum Thread

So around a year and half or so ago, I left PMC.
I've been questioned a bit as to why I came back and why I left, and to really put it best- I made some bad decisions.
I'm not really used to writing big long posts or stuff about this, so apologies if this doesn't make sense.

I didn't understand it until a while later, but I was pretty depressed at the time and my decision making skills were not great. I made a lot of bad moves and didn't respect people as much as I should have, and I was quick to react. And I am sorry for that. One night I became super overwhelmed with stuff and decided to end it all, finish the account, and move on. But after PMC, I kind of just died inside. I kind of lost my only social life when I left, so I arguably made some worse decisions to isolate myself and attempted some not-so-great stuff.

It took me several months to learn how to not only be a decent person, but to sort of begin to make friends again. I became pretty active on discord and after a pretty bad rough patch I managed to get into contact with a friend from PMC/SD that helped me starting being a functional person again, and I cannot thank them enough for what they did for me, and I am sorry as I did sort of trauma dump on them a bit. A few months later, and I have a pretty good life going for me. I'm still recovering from some major shit, but I am in a much better place than I have been in, well, my whole life basically.

Summer is coming soon, and as much as I want to I don't know if I'll come back full time or not.
I really have moved on from this place and got a job, a friend group, and developed new interests and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I want to thank everybody here for the things they did for me, because without it- I don't know where I would be.

So thank you.

I'll stop yapping now.
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