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    05/25/2014 6:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    I don't code as in make plugins. I mainly help configure plugins, set up database, I 'Develop' servers. I am learning to code custom plugins, but I don't have the time to learn it all at the moment. But I will do it at some point.
    05/25/2014 6:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Age: 21
    IGN: tenchicandy
    Skype: josh.green117
    Timezone: GMT ( United Kingdom )
    Previous experience: Head of staff of a top ranked tekkit server. Admin on several high-end servers. Ran my own server with success.
    Do you have a Rank on other current servers(IPS)? No. Not anymore. I retired all my previous roles to allow other staff members the chance to grow and get more experience.
    Why do you want to be a senior admin on our server: I Have been itching to get back into a role such as senior admin for quite some time now, I have a lot experience that I know will help your server grow.
    How many hours can you dedicate to the server?: Depends on my work rota. Normally I will get 5 hours a day in, but it can be less or more.
    Do you believe you are mature enough to have this important role on our server?If so, Why? I'm very mature, my age helps. But I can and will have fun when I can, I'm not work work work its good to have a laugh but I won't let it affect my maturity when it comes to standards you want to see.
    Give 3 examples where it is ok to ban someone: 1.Hacking (proved) 2.Racism 3. Abusive foul language after being warned.
    What is the command to deny PvP in an area with the world guard plugin? /region flag "region name" pvp deny
    What can you offer to the server? Loyalty, A standard of professionalism you want your sever staff to show and give. All my experiance in admin roles, developer roles and much much more.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my application and look forward to hearing your decision.


    - Josh | Tench
    05/25/2014 10:38 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Have you still not been able to log into your server? I suggest speaking to the server host as to why you can't connect that would be the best thing.
    05/25/2014 8:23 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Ahh thats okay then don't worry about the screen shot. If you change it to SQL from sqlite I think you will lose them, as it will not carry the info over.
    05/24/2014 10:45 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Hi there Primal!

    Yes Dex is correct, the only other way to get good advertising is to pay for it, which is only an option for a few, but if you did the amount of players you have would certainly increase 10 fold.

    Another option would to be make a blog, where you can show off new and fun things you already have or things you are going to add to make your server unique to any others!

    Best advertising though is word of mouth, run fun and fairly often events that players love, they will tell their friends and so on and so fourth.

    all the best to you and I hope your server takes off!

    - Tench
    05/24/2014 10:29 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Its not the easiest thing to do with home hosting.

    You will need the following:

    Click to reveal
    - More Brains
    - Cookie

    Lets get started!

    You may know some of this but its best to make sure your right!
    You will need to get the following:

    • - External IP address | can be found here:
    • www.ipchicken.com
    • - The port number your server is using [most times its 25565]
    • - The make and model of your home router [ explained below ]

    Now you should have all 3 of these, I will use some examples so you know what you are looking at.

    • IP address - [ It will be different to this! I just used the format of an IP address]
    • Port number - '1- 99999' its normally 25565 though.
    • Router make and model - Virgin Media - Super Hub 2 [my example yours may be different]

    Now we have all the basic information we need to open our ports! (YAY)

    What you want to do now is go to this website: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/Minecraft_Server/
    Find your routers make and model, the guide it will give you is very simple to follow and will show you every step you need to make to open your ports so your friends can join.

    But only if it was this simple

    Once you have followed this guide to opening your ports, I suggest restarting [turn it off then on again ] your router! That way the router will allow traffic through that port you opened up for sure.

    You then want to go to this website: http://www.canyouseeme.org
    This will check to make sure your ports are open, it will also come with your external IP address already in so you only need to put the port you wish it to scan in.
    Simple stuff right?

    If it says your okay and your port is open give your friends your external IP address with your port number in the below format.

    Tell them to paste it into the minecraft multiplayer IP address bar in game and they should be able to connect.

    If it says your port is not open, you must have missed something, go back to the guide on portforwarding and try again.

    Worst case is you just have to pay for a host

    Hope this helped! [My hands are tired from typing haha]

    ** I also forgot to mention if you want a static IP address things get a bit more complicated as you will need to point your DNS at a spcific ip address you own.

    blargh this is hard to explain lol.

    follow a guide on how to make a static IP address as it is quite complicated but it does mean you can put an address instead of numbers in your minecrafts IP address.

    If you have a staic IP address your IP address would be like this example: myownserver.com instead of

    google this to find a guide : " How do I make a static IP address for my Minecraft Server? "

    good luck!

    - Tench
    05/24/2014 9:54 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    My suggestion is save what ever buildings you have as a schematic with world edit, then create a new world with a new seed. Its the only way I can think of removing world chunk errors quickly.

    Then again you could spend a few hours with world edit and clean it up manually,

    Its really your choice.

    hope I helped!

    - Tench
    05/23/2014 5:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Any chance you can post a screen-shot of it? you can black out anything you don't want us to see! thank you!

    - Tench
    05/23/2014 5:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    To be perfectly honest with you, I would personally never 'pay' to be able to apply for staff, its pretty much the same thing as buying staff ranks, only difference is that if you did not like their application you can turn them down, which would really ... REALLY annoy some people and they would most likely charge-back which you don't want.

    The best way to do it is if people wish to be staff then do it on a 'play time' basis. people who show they are dedicated to being online both in-game and on the forum/website make the best staff.

    Some people have rich parents who allow them to buy anything they want, and these people, most of the time are 12. And you don't want that either. Nothing against kids at that age or around it but staff are there to hold the rules down and be mature at all times. Iv'e perhaps met around 2 'kids' who have actually been able to act mature for their age.

    Just think wisely about choosing your staff, I personally don't think its a good idea being able to 'buy/donate' for a 'chance' of getting staff.

    Don't take my word for it though, see what others have to say about it.

    Best of luck to you and your server!

    - Tench
    05/23/2014 10:36 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Can you post a screen shot of what you mean please?


    - Tench
    05/23/2014 6:42 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    This should have something to do with multi-verse, I would need to see your config for multi-verse though so I can say for sure that it is.

    Paste it into a pastebin and reply here so I can see it.


    05/22/2014 12:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Do a refer a friend event, top player who refers the most players that stay! gets a staff position or a high donation rank.

    Get a good advert out there like you said, you can advertise on sites from as little as 10p or 10 cents or w/e your currency is.

    Create a Facebook / twitter page get all your current players to join and share their friends ( best way to see who adds the most etc)

    but It takes time, and lots of it, if you can stick it out for a few months players will see your not going anywhere anytime soon, just keep your chins up and keep banging them updates out!

    Best of luck to you and the team!

    - Tench
    05/22/2014 12:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Just press f5 and refresh your page, its been happening to me the last couple of hours, if you refresh your page it will resend the info put in and will post your post (haha).

    And to your question/problem, I suggest you ask your hosting company as this would be them, make sure your .jar file your using is the correct one also! But double check with the hosting company, they get paid to answer the questions .

    let me know if the problem persists!

    05/22/2014 11:59 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Btw just looking through your plugin list, check these plugin config files

    - ServerMOTD (yes check it!)
    - Essentials Chat
    - Essentials
    - SimpleBroadcast

    Check all of these, if you could please post your configs for all 4 in paste bin and then reply with the links so I can check!


    - Tench
    05/22/2014 11:56 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    Wait the screen shot you posted is coming from a plugin you have installed!?

    please explain in more detail what your issue is so I can understand what it is your asking better!


    05/22/2014 8:05 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    I think essentials handles all your welcome messages, you can download a plugin that creates custom made welcome messages, I think its called CustomMessages but im not 100% sure.

    download it and install it, then check its config to see what it can do!

    let me know how it goes!

    - Tench
    05/22/2014 7:35 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    unfortunately this is a waiting game for players to join and stay. the only way to really boost your player base is to pay for premium server listing, but that can be quite a hefty amount to pay up.

    The best thing for you to do is keep your server vote page always updated, make sure its always up the top of the recently updated page!

    bump it every 24 hours on PMC with updates your doing so people can see your active and the server is always being added to so it becomes better and better.

    Run a 'refer a friend event' reward players for getting their friends on the server

    1 friend = 3 diamonds + $/£500 ingame cash
    2 friends = 6 diamonds + $/£1000 ingame cash
    3 friends = 9 diamonds + $/£3000 ingame cash
    4 friends = 12 diamonds + $/£5000 ingame cash
    5 friends = 15 diamonds + $/£10000 ingame cash

    so on and so fourth.

    this is just an example change the rewards to suit you!

    To make this easier for you to know who added who the player who adds their friend/s they need to send you a PM on your website or ingame via /mail send, with their friend/s names so you know who added who and how much money and items you should give them!

    hope your server takes off soon!

    Best of luck!

    - Tench
    05/22/2014 7:23 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Tench's Avatar
    IV Dimension ? - Use roman numerals (they always look boss hahaha).

    Dimension X is pretty cool though. maybe if you got a GFX designer to make you a cool banner you might like the name even more!?

    its always the hardest thing in my personal opinion to make a name, especially with so many other names out there.

    Hope you get the name you want!

    - Tench

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