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Level 19 Journeyman Engineer

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    08/14/2017 2:57 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    I'm not sure if there is even any fix until Spigot actually pick themselves up and work on a fix, which sucks... :/
    08/13/2017 1:48 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Then the Spigot on that website may update when the next working build is released. Honestly I'm not entirely sure how those kind of jars work though (I'm more localhost based than proper hosting).
    08/13/2017 11:24 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Hm. Now that's interesting - I found a similar issue on Spigot here (not to mention it uses the same build of Spigot as yours):

    So likely yes. There is no proper solution to this as far as I currently know. Just keep an eye on the thread and I'll give you a yell if anything's changed.
    08/13/2017 2:12 amhistory
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Bleurgh, dangit. Are you still able to give a list of plugins? It is likely that there IS a plugin in the dump thread, but it may not be obvious (like with the it.unimi package). It is likely that actually it is lag but in the form of a memory leak.

    EDIT: Try to enable the server without any plugins. If there's still lag and the server crashes, it's likely to be a memory leak. If not, then it's a plugin issue.
    08/12/2017 2:01 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Have you reported the issue to Spigot? Unless "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap.containsKey(" means something.
    08/11/2017 10:25 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Hm, okay. Did you even teleport anywhere? Because if not, you can just try logging out, editing your EssentialsX file so you spawn somewhere else, reload the config and log back in.
    08/11/2017 8:27 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Have you tried teleporting at all, for example /tppos somewhere outside this "block"? I'm not entirely sure what you mean but I may have the slightest idea.
    08/09/2017 2:50 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    08.08 16:56:38 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    08.08 16:56:38 [Server] INFO at me.konsolas.aac.k.a(

    On AAC's Spigot page, it states this: AAC is only compatible with Spigot 1.8.8, 1.9.4, 1.10.x, 1.11.0, 1.11.2, 1.12.

    Apparently you're using 1.7.9.
    08/08/2017 2:27 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    The issue was solved...
    08/08/2017 2:26 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> in [world]

    Any help? This is just by command though, I'm more used to GroupManager though (despite everything).

    And if anything LuckPerms looks heavier and more complicated.
    08/08/2017 2:17 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    I had an old laptop (4 GB or so, same as yours - but I may have allocated less RAM) that would have the same issue, constantly spamming the same error messages over and over again, just before crashing with the exact same message. I have a new laptop now (16 GB) and don't have an issue at all, if anything I'm running around 20 plugins or so on a localhost 1.12 server (when I need it, that is - I'm a plugin dev and have to test what works and what doesn't).

    I'm not saying get a better PC. You may need to allocate more RAM to the server, but I've never had a proper solution for fixing that issue (or at least I wasn't a technical person at the time).
    08/03/2017 10:47 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    That's a global group so you don't have to go around modifying every group for every world, and they work just fine.
    07/30/2017 1:58 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    GroupManager doesn't work in 1.12, no. The best I have is a jar file that's been modified to work in that version, but that's it, and at the same time it was meant to be for just one single server that I work on.

    EDIT: Scrap that. Doesn't work apparently.
    07/28/2017 6:06 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    What server version and what PEX version?
    07/25/2017 2:05 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Is your server in online mode? That's what causes skins to not load, or at least most of the time.
    07/24/2017 1:08 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    [11:43:06] [Server thread/INFO]:  'pluginVersion':
    [11:43:06] [Server thread/INFO]:  > Detected value: 7.2.8
    [11:43:06] [Server thread/INFO]:  > Should be: 7.2.29

    Plugin is out of date?
    07/23/2017 12:52 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    It looks half like the server can't retrieve UUIDs. Is there a properties file that contains the option online-mode or something similar? If so set it to true. I've only ever worked with Spigot/Bukkit.
    07/23/2017 12:50 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    Easiest way I know of, only just woke up:
    1. Use Multiverse-Core (not just NetherPortals) to manage worlds,
    2. Use the command /mvm set weather false
    07/22/2017 2:05 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    default: default

    I believe that's a boolean - insert true (if you want it to be the default rank) or false. The example you may have followed on the Bukkit example was for groups.yml, so I understand how you made that mistake. Give me a shout if it still doesn't work, I don't know how to use bPermissions but I'm used to PEX and GM, so I have an idea of what's meant to be happening.

    PresidenteHi! I recommend you PermissionsEX !

    Recommending PermissionsEx doesn't solve the problem - it only leaves the person asking the question with even more questions, because they may not know how to use that plugin, even if PEX is a famous plugin.
    07/22/2017 3:31 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
    Thatsmusic99's Avatar
    GroupManager doesn't work on 1.12 due to a depreciated method. I don't know if there's any public replacement for it sadly, I only have a private jar that I made just to replace the one the server I work on used.

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