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Journeyman Engineer

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    06/15/2014 10:03 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Banana Doctor
    thehumanslayer12 Do you own a Xbox360(Optional, but recommended):

    do you own AN Xbox260! ANNNNNNNNNN
    Not A! That's bad grammar.

    I am insulted by your grammar and do not wish to join your YouTube group

    I write A because it is right for my culture, if I right "an" it's going against my culture, so your really mean.

    Also your talking about Grammar, when you spelled Xbox 360 Wrong nooob
    06/15/2014 10:00 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Sorry to hear
    06/15/2014 1:37 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Sent a request to your Skype.
    06/15/2014 1:36 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    It's never too late! Still looking for more!

    Sent a request to your Skype.
    06/14/2014 11:06 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    I'm already talking to you lol
    06/14/2014 11:05 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Hey, I'll add you on your Skype,
    The reason why I didn't respond to your other guy's apps is because you don't have Skype, and it makes it complicated with a Series.
    06/14/2014 5:24 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Well, Mojang intended something on Friday the 13th, which they started a lot earlier then expected.
    06/14/2014 4:07 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    I can't say Directly in this Forums since it's against the rules, but click my name and it will take you to my PMC Page, and there should be my Minecraft Server on the Top or Bottom
    06/14/2014 8:00 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Then re start everything from default, reset the world data everything
    06/14/2014 7:04 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Corrupted Chunks that are what you call "Dead Spots" every server has them, only thing to do is just leave it, or completely reset the world.
    06/14/2014 7:01 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Problem! Use a bukkit server with plugins, Vanilla Server w/mods isn't meant to be, Vanilla is just meant to be Vanilla, and bukkit is made to be Modified.
    06/14/2014 6:59 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Is the Server Cracked?
    Yes, it is possible. Just need to know the first question ^^
    06/14/2014 6:55 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Yes it can mess your Router up (In very very very very rare cases), but no, It can not make your Router be able to get hacked easily.

    Every ISP monitors their Customers "Manually Opened Ports" or User Forwarded Ports. If a new port is opened, the ISP is set to put some of their people to work on if it's vulnerable or not, if no such detection is detected the Port will remain open, however if it is vulnerable, your ISP should automatically Un-Forward the port.

    Truthfully, I think Port Forwarded Servers are better, I host a server on my Computer with my Ports Opened, and all my Members say they get no lag, and everything is fast. Don't take or take my advice, but think about it
    06/14/2014 6:48 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    gorgonoffHe probably ment 8 cores but wrote wrong

    Which is what I literally put in the first sentence :/
    06/14/2014 6:47 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    If I am correct, there should be a Setting in the config file that says "Allow use of "." in Faction name" or something like that, put yes and it should work. But not sure if it's in that version.
    06/14/2014 6:44 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    EpizoidFilmsHeres the problem: Whenever a player joins the server it puts them in a corrupted chunk and disables all the commands, soon after that the server crashes... please help

    Ah! This happens because the server has not enough RAM to pull to load Chunks and send them to the player, probably not enough RAM to even keep the server up!

    Although I may be wrong, It can probably also mean that your Spigot File is corrupted, as it says a file does not exist.
    06/14/2014 6:37 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Two things,
    1.) If your using CMD(Control Console) the Help command is "?"
    2.) Stop the server, and start it.
    06/14/2014 6:28 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Your welcome, just next time don't just say join [IP] like 5 times, that's called Spamming haha.
    06/14/2014 6:26 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    Whenever me or any member of the team (op) types a VS command, this pops out:
    An internal error happened while performing this command.

    When this type of Error comes up, it can mean many things. The most common ones are as follows:
    1.) Updating to 1.7.9 may have corrupted VS's Config file, needless to say, the entire Plugin its self.
    2.) The plugin is Outdated, and needs to be updated to the new version that supports 1.7.9
    3.) Bukkit is Corrupted and there is something wrong with one of the server's files.

    Although these may not be the case, a simple Re-Install of Bukkit and VS should work, in case it doesn't then you can't run VS on 1.7.9 until VS is compatible (If VS is compatible, then the Config file is corrupted)

    EDIT: I just remembered a time I had this problem with my server, this was because the Plugin wasn't enabled, completely. A simple restart helped, but not sure if it's the cause of this case.
    06/14/2014 6:19 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
    thehumanslayer12's Avatar
    XxEnderMan29xXHey Guys, I Am Proud To Announce The Opening Of LiLCraft!


    Need Staff! But Don't Ask Apply Here -

    Slots: 100

    A Few Plugins! That You Need To Know!: Factions, EchoPet, Essentials, mcMMO, GroupManager, ObsidianDestroyer, ClearLag And A Lot More!

    You Should Join The Server Because It's A 24/7 Server With No Lag! , (Might Be A Couple Lag Spikes Depending On What Computer Your Using!) We Need Players And We Have Very Good Staff!, We Are Kind, We Have Rules Though,

    [1] Be Respectful
    [2] Don't Use Hacks/Mods, The Only Mod You Are Aloud Is Optifine!
    [3] Don't Abuse!
    [4] Report Hackers/Abusers To Sr-Mod Or Higher ( Mod Too )
    [5] Have Fun!
    [6] Don't Ask For Ranks or Staff/OP, Apply On Website -
    [7] Don't Use Hacked Clients!

    Please Join Our Server And Helper Us Become Big And Know That YOU Helped This Happen <3

    Very Nice! Great Advertisement!

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