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Level 1
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Ask me about joining TheSappyPack server!

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Seriously though, if you want a tiny (8 players tops, but I most likely won't end up filling it) whitelisted community to play some super tough modded MC with, just let me know!

The pack in question is one I built entirely on my own over the last month. It has a very rigid progression system that integrates a lot of mods that just don't get enough love, while staying familiar enough that any modded MC veterans will feel right at home. and it is HARD. You will starve, and suffocate, and go insane, and freeze to death, and get eaten by sharks, etc. The beginning game is extended well into the first in game weeks, and the end game is far from actually being "the end". This is a pack that would require lots of dedication and time to complete, and it is not for those of you who like to be overpowered just because you found yourself a shiny new sword. (I'm looking at you, Hexxit players...) Every mod has been configured to play well with the others, and everything has been made tougher, from the survival aspect onwards. After the small team of players has been chosen, we will have a chat to discuss the way this pack will be played and the rules we will agree to follow.

About the server itself:
The server will be 100% protected from cheats/hacks/etc. and world saves are done every ten minutes, so if someone needs to be banned, a rollback can be done in minutes, even from my phone! The server is hosted through a service, so it will have 100% uptime unless something serious occurs, and I have full mobile control over it.

Want to join the community? Send a request in a PM with the following:

Discord name and four digit ID code (required. Its free and it doesn't eat up your processor like Skype, just get it already.):
Age (not a deciding factor but I need mature players to make everyone's experience better):
Continent you currently reside on:
How often can you join and voice chat with other server players?
Will you be planning on recording or streaming this gameplay?
What kind of player are you, primarily? Explorer, builder, fighter, etc.
Why do you want to join this server? (The longer and more grammatically correct your answer is, the better.)
What is the difference between a prank and trolling?
Do you have any experience with Rotarycraft, Reactorcraft, or Witchery? ("No" isn't necessarily a bad answer)
Do you suffer from arachnophobia? (This is a serious question.)
Are you willing to report bugs and exploits instead of using them?
Are you willing to help others on the server and help our small community flourish?
Can you build with more aesthetic prowess than just a box with a flat roof?
Are you willing to learn the pack as much as possible (this is kind of a must, as all mods have been edited in some fashion or another)

Are you ready to suffer? (this pack made my college buddies rage quit three times before the first in-game week was up)

I hope I'll find an awesome crew within the next few days. I can be on (server and PMC) most days around 11:00 pm - 1:00 am Michigan time and on Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Michigan time, so shoot me a PM!
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