Uros Network's Avatar
Level 3
Apprentice Network

Server Introduction

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Greetings, traveler!

Today, we present to you your next adventure into Minecraft Roleplay. Developed and founded by avid Roleplayers such as yourself, we are happy to introduce the Isles Of Uros! A fresh new world, brimming with untold adventures and conquests, is almost ready for your arrival! Currently, we are still in development but are on our way to The Alpha release!

We aim to provide a fun and immersive world for players to get involved with detailed lore we can take forward a create great stories and memories for people to remember. We are currently developing our first Island ALPHERE which will test systems we have implemented so far this includes:

Roleplay Chat System
Player Cards
Player and Environmental Emotes
World and Kingdom Regions
Staff Created Events
Custom Map
Unique Character Languages (Human, Turuk)
Speech Garble (Drunkenness and Distance)
Custom Weapons
Custom Monsters/Mobs
Professions (Mining Farming, Smithing, and more)
Unique and in-depth crafting
Shops, Auctions, and Trade
LWC for player-building ownership
Ticket Support
and many more!


We are quickly working towards getting a playable version out for players to enjoy - On Alpha release, we aim to have two fully playable races the Humans and Turuks (Orcs) with starting settlements though these maybe be on the smaller size we hope to organically grow into our 21K x 21K custom map, for the time being, we hope players will join and help to find bugs and issues that we can iron out. Everything in the list above is completed to a playable standard.
Planet Minecraft


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