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Level 35
Artisan Architect

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    Viking Craft
    01/16/2013 5:26 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Still looking for applicants.
    Viking Craft
    01/16/2013 1:10 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Name: evoxboss
    Nickname: evo
    Location: Illinois, United States
    Date of birth: 1996 (16 year old)
    Function you are applying for: Server Moderator

    You do notice that there is no information for you to work off of but you may proceed as you please, I trust your judgements. Very impressive layout.
    Viking Craft
    01/15/2013 9:28 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Bump. Get Darkstar the quality of the faction that he deserves. His efforts will serve you all well. Lucky to any of you that get accepted, if not, there is plenty of opportunity for improvement. Well Darkstar, good luck.
    Viking Craft
    01/15/2013 7:43 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Nobody wants free stuff upon joining the server. This is a great oppurtunity, i believe.
    Viking Craft
    01/15/2013 7:42 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Please stop by whenever you would like to. I'm just tired of Batcave being the only faction that holds power in the server. If a greater faction like yourself would come on, it would make a great impact on the server as well.
    Viking Craft
    01/15/2013 6:40 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    We are still looking for applicants!
    Viking Craft
    01/14/2013 3:22 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Im recruiting factions for my server! Right forum!
    Viking Craft
    01/14/2013 10:58 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Bump, still looking for players and applicants!
    Viking Craft
    01/14/2013 10:49 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    I would like to become a builder but i would like to talk on skype privately regarding the questions because I find that more prestigious.
    Viking Craft
    01/14/2013 10:43 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    I see this faction growing really strong and united. I could provide a server with no lag for you guys to play on. For now, the server only ranges from about 20-40 people mid-day. Its a 16gb dedicated server and has lots of potential with mature staff, hand picked builders and the finest factions. This server features kits for pvp which will increase pvp involvement and has a great economy that sets pvp based items at a certain value that provokes from people gaining too much power. I have studied minecraft servers about 1 year ago and have continued to maintain my server for about 10 months ago, growing from a 500mb server to where it is now at 16gb. If you would like to join server, my ip is in the signature. Thank you.
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 5:04 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Can i apply privately?
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 5:03 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    May i apply privately?
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 5:01 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Hello sir, well its not very likely when an owner comes to talk to a moderator about becoming staff but I think you represent a strong standpoint. I would like to get to know you a little more before setting yourself up on a higher position. By the looks of it, it seems as you are only interested in higher positions, is that because you are power hungry or in denial of earning trust/earning your desired rank in the long run. Well my server is not going to automatically put you at a higher rank but we will sure love to work with you if your willing to cooperate and go through the ladder anyhow. I propose that with patience and great skills that you seem to process, this process wont take as long as it does for others. We are a 16gb server with High end software from a high end company. You must be willing to devote time to get a great place at our staff but it takes only seconds to develop a place at our community which you shall enhance. If you are interested, message me and we can talk. Thank you.
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 4:55 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    I would like to set off as a moderating position. I own a 16gb server but am willing to help another server thrive as well. I really would like to engage in a private chat instead of a mono expressive form such as an application. Thank you.

    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 2:43 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    good start XD
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 11:00 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Position wanted: Builder
    Age: 16
    (Builder Only) Building skills 1/10: 9
    (Host Only) Can you host/ give me server files?:
    Why I should choose you?: I have a very accurate, ocd type behaviors that let me exhibit my full potential to every build. I am prestigious and hard working towards any individual or group tasks. I have held a multitude in experience with building. Words cannot describe it all, but my builds sure will.
    (Redstoners Only) Redstoners skills:
    Time Zone: Central
    If hosting must live in USA yes/no: yes
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 1:31 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    If you need any help, im here. I refuse to fill out application since it only displays a true identity of no personality but almost as if robots.
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 1:21 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    We are still looking for applicants.
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 1:06 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    Name: Patrick

    In-Game Name:

    Creative Idea For Server:
    - Before the start of my profound server that i have now, I had started about 3 different servers in attempt to making them the best they could possibly be. Due to lack of growth, I decided to show up on other people's servers and started studying the structure of the moderator rankings and structure of how permissions we're set up. I have finally used my knowledge to create the server that I have now. I am built with all kinds of crazy but progressive ideas for the server. To be honest with you, it depends how your server is set up to set straight the new ideas to its full most benefits. I would like to implant a server with the basis pvp and faction theme but with more depth. I want a server that is pvp and factions but is peaceful even though there is raiding and killing going on. Whenever people pvp each other, they are always yelling and cussing but what if servers had players talking to each other about how great his tactic of killing you was or how great his sword is. There will be minimal hatred but not to be expressed out loud.

    Do you have a pre-built world to use(Not required, but will probably help you)? - Well I do have saves already if needed to but why a pre-built world? I have a pre-built world planned out. I have over 30 potentially inspiring builders that can astonish any audience of players. They are almost the most great builders out there. Furthermore, I have great ideas of my own to implant upon the builds that are renewed and modern.

    Why should you get to have my hosting magic?
    - I cannot determine if i deserve it or not but i feel like my prestigious efforts and strong willed personality can help both of us succeed. I think you should tell me if I deserve this true act of kindness.

    What's the Secret Word?

    - rainbow
    Viking Craft
    01/13/2013 12:52 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    Viking Craft's Avatar
    You would be given a rank depending on how well you advertised

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