xaviersykora's Avatar
Level 35
Artisan Warrior

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    01/29/2013 10:31 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Age: 13
    IGN: Xaviersykora
    Your Intention about the server: A community server for small youtubers to make their Voltz/Tekkit/FTB Series on!
    Type of Server: Voltz most likley
    Size: 15-20 players
    (How big of a server are you going to create)
    Skype: XSykora8998
    Time-Zone: Pacific Standard Time
    Country: United States of America
    How well are you with plugins: Self-Manageable
    (Self-Manageable, need help, etc)
    Can you donate possibly to help: if I can
    What makes you better: I can explain in more detail over skype.
    How much time do you have to spend on the server: 1+ hours a day
    Extra Info: Contact me on skype for more details please.
    01/27/2013 5:15 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Age: 13
    Gamer Tag: Xaviersykora
    Specialty: Detail
    Why you should help: Because I know my shit.
    12/31/2012 6:09 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    server isnt up
    12/24/2012 3:09 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Only some of the Networks work, and the ones that do are full
    12/22/2012 6:33 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Ign: Xaviersykora
    Age (must be 13+): 13
    Why You want to join (at least 1 paragraph):
    I am a dedicated PVP-er and I have been playing minecraft since the Alpha 0.1_02. I own 1 server, Co-Own 3 servers, Am an admin on 7 servers, and a mod on 10. I am very experienced in most plugins(Groups, Permissions, etc.) and a good builder. I am at the top of most of my classes, and know a lot of coding languages(HTML5, Java, iOS, etc.). I think I would be a great Head-Mod.
    How will you help the server (at least 4 Sentences): I can be a plugin manager if you have FTP acess. I can also make graphics and videos with the Adobe Masters Collection that I have much experience in(Photoshop, After Effects, etc.). I will dedicate a lot of my free time to this server, and I will give it my all. I believe I would be a spectacular edition to your staff as a Head-Mod.
    Will You donate: No, sorry.
    Are you being honest: Yes.
    Are You good with faction servers: Co-Own one.
    Are You good with people: Yes, I am an office aid at my school, and deal with people a lot.
    What would you do if someone is raging on the server because he lost his stuff: Recite the rules, and do what would be necessary(Muting if needed).
    12/16/2012 2:04 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Skype: XSykora8998
    Age: 13
    Youtube Channel: Xaviersykora
    Minecraft Name: Xaviersykora

    I am getting an XBOX360, HD PVR Gaming Edition 2, and a Nice microphone soon so I will be uploading HD 1080p 29.97 FPS videos with entertaining commentary. I am good with most adobe programs in the Creative Suite(After Effects, Photoshop, etc.) so if you need any work done with those, I could be of some assistance.
    12/16/2012 2:00 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    But the real question is...
    Will it blend?
    12/16/2012 1:55 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    I can probably help with vocals, and lyric writing. Im not that great of a singer but I can do some solfege. I dont have a squeak voice either, and I might be getting a nice mic soon. If I dont, My mac has a decent one already implemented.
    12/16/2012 1:40 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    When you can play: around 2-5 hours a day on weekdays, varies on weekends(Im PST)
    Maturity level 1-10: depends on situation, if we are in a happy environment then about 7, if we are in a kinda serious environment then 10
    Experience with Minecraft 1-10: 10, I have been playing since alpha 0.2_1
    12/15/2012 6:08 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Age: 13
    Skype: XSykora8998
    Maturity level: 9/10
    IGN: XavierSykora
    What would you do if someone had a sword?: Pull out a better sword and escort them back to their cell
    Why should I choose you over anyone else?: Because I am hardworking, determined, and very mature
    Are you sure your not applying just for the rank?: Yes
    Tell me something about you: I play guitar, Piano, Bass guitar, and violin
    Times available: 4-5PM 6-9PM Weekdays
    Time zone: Pacific Standard Time
    12/15/2012 4:52 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    minecraft name: Xaviersykora
    age: 13
    experience: I build a lot of structures in my SSP
    how good you are out of 10: 7
    what minecraft did you start on e.g beta 1.2.4: Alpha 1.2_0

    do you have skype?
    12/14/2012 10:56 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Sure why not!
    im 13
    I have a good mic
    My computer works fine
    I dont have a squeaky voice
    I can record
    My skype is XSykora8998
    12/06/2012 8:00 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    I do, you have to OP me first though
    12/05/2012 7:14 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Admin Applicant
    Name: Xavier
    Age: 13
    Past experince: I am an Admin on 7 servers, and a Co-Owner on 3 servers
    Why should you be an Admin? Because I am online a lot, and I respect rules and dont misuse my powers
    What are your qualities? Respect- I will respect all rules of the server, Work Ethic- I will make sure to do my best work on whatever is necessary, Determination- I will be determined to make sure all the rules are enforced, Responsibility- I will make sure to take responsibility for all my actions and if I make a mistake I will do my best to correct it immediately, Skype®- I have Skype® so if you need to contact me outside of the server and PMC you can contact me through that service, Intelligence- I am at the top of almost all my classes and I have a lot of sense and common knowledge
    What are your weaknesses? Curfew- I have to be in bed by 9:00 PM PST(Pacific Standard Time) on weekdays, on weekends I have a very lenient curfew
    Why would you be better than any other applicants that apply? Because I have wanted to be a Admin on a Tekkit server for a long time, and I would devote a lot of time to this server.
    Do you know how Tekkit runs and the foundation of it? Yes, I have been using tekkit since its first release, and before hand I had played technic.
    12/02/2012 2:03 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Name: Xavier
    Age (Must be older then 10): 13
    IGN: Xaviersykora
    Skype (Must have one!): XSykora8998
    Why You Want To Join: im bored, and I like making videos
    Are You Offended By Swearing: fuck no
    Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
    Do You Think I Would Enjoy You On The Team: Probably
    Special/Funny Qualities To Spice Up The Videos: im good at building
    11/17/2012 12:49 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
    xaviersykora's Avatar
    Name: Xavier
    Work: Cartoon/art
    Colours: 040057(for Background), FFEB0F(for yellow on my skin),BA0000(for red on my skin)
    Character/Skin: http://www.mcskinsearch.com/skin/Xaviersykora
    Font: http://bit.ly/T7n3Xs
    Images: here is the pose I would like him to be him http://bit.ly/RIUvBg
    Where should I contact you?: PM me on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/xaviersykora/) or Planet Minecraft

    PS could you make the lab coat track behind a bit? thanks!

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