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  • Xx_Desu_xX's Avatar
    April 3, 2024, 10:15 pm to Public
    Do you guys theme your minecraft worlds and/or instances? I've made a handful of instances on prism launcher for certain mod combinations like magic mods, dimension mods, and even a vampire themed one. Yet, I haven't been able to really find one that felt like fun play through that still had some progression to it. Either it's just following the path on a tech mod and occasionally stopping to play with a sillier mod like clay soldiers, Touhou maid, trail mix, etc. I think my problem is that by having a majority of one mod type it reduces the availability of other mods that can add not just new content but allows you to use it in a different way than another handles theirs (such as grinding ores and micro crafting to make one major item for one mod while another has you building structures in order to do rituals or make machines). I can't handle too many big mods at once on my laptop so im just trying to get through my dimension themed instance to at least see if some of the big dimension mods are worth keeping for a hypothetical "overall mod" instance. It was fun at first but man did i overestimate the fun that tinker+armory or more chickens+hatchery would give me until I could reach a mod dimension. Hopefully atum 2 is a fun one!
    ScotsMiser said 2024-04-04 00:49:13
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    As I prefer very lightly modified vanilla (mainly small quality of life things along the line directional hoppers etc) I've little direct experience.
    From watching some of the mod loving members of my extended family I have the impression that there are two countervailing factors at work:

    On te one hand, using several similarly themed mods (such as several ones that add more magic) can result in excessive focus on that aspect of the game as the additions from similar mods may interact synergistically.

    On the other, using disparately mods together can suffer from something akin to trying to be all things with too many pathways open to best the various challenges.
    Dronko fire blaster said 2024-04-03 22:41:55
    Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
    I have my pack, basically a vanilla+ so all client side, I have various ambience mods perforce mod and and shaders
    Xx_Desu_xX said 2024-04-03 22:19:23
    Xx_Desu_xX's Avatar
    im trying to spice it up by forcing myself to build more than just a base to hold my stuff. Like for atum im building a pyramid in a desert and for aether im making a glass tower that hits build height, just so im not balding portals and bum rushing mods when I should feel like just reaching a new dimension is an accomplishment. Once I get some good work on the pyramid I hope can feel hyped up, I'll go all out on making underground passages under it and making a whole pharaoh's tom room for the portal. But im just starting to think that maybe the lack of fun is coming from choosing mods I thought would be fun in the meantime before dimensions and then not really liking them but not wanting to mess up my world by removing them.
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