xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
Level 6 Apprentice Taco

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    12/28/2013 11:34 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar

    Didnt meet 100 sub requirement!
    12/28/2013 11:32 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    ZapzorkMCName: Josh
    IGN: Zapzork
    Skype: Zapzork
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/ragewrathred
    Why I want to join: Well, Minecraft has been quite boring lately and I saw an oppurtunity to maybe start a survival series and I thought "Why not?" I'm friendly and quite decent at redstone and what not.

    Minimum Sub Level Is 100 Sorry!
    12/28/2013 3:06 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    *Friendly Bump*
    12/25/2013 3:45 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    *Friendly Bump*
    12/22/2013 11:29 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    12/22/2013 10:19 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    My Minecraft Profile!

    Applying For: Anything
    Age: 14
    IGN: xXCodeBossXx
    Skype: cody.commandeur
    Plugin skills: 8
    Permission skills: 7
    Redstone skills:7
    Minecraft skills: 10
    Building skills: 9
    Able to donate at least $10: no not yet but soon
    Are you able to help: yes
    Buycraft Skills: 7
    Previous positions: Head Admin On two servers Admin on 3 And Mod on 5

    Current positions: Head-mod on 1

    Permission knowledge: Extensive since ran my own server for a while.

    Command knowledge: I know most of the commands for the plugins that I use. (World Edit, World Guard, Essentials, Factions, Core Protect, Almost any plugin I can figure out.

    Reason we should pick you:
    Well let me start out I'm 15 years of age I have a 10/10 maturity. I respect every person with the most upright respect and never less,When a player is abusing any staff like a mod or trainee this is not acceptable like asking for items or cussing intensely at them I will mute them or kick them depending on how intense it was or is and then tell what they had done wrong in order for me to take action so that they don't make the mistake again (the rules are the most essential part of a server) I can keep my cool in the toughest of situations and can be a strong leader I'm very good with permissions. If the owner or Whomever cannot Figure out how to use a plugin feel free to ask me I will figure out how to use any plugin. I think I'm a good builder I have built a few spawns in my day and new server build like statue's of the owner and/or shops. I have also run my own server when 1.2.5 was still the latest version and it was a quite a success (I couldnt afford to keep it up longer). I obey ever rank higher than me always and anytime if not to do this I will be honest to the owner that I have done so and prepare for a punishment (I will probably not disrespect anyone) , I also take both sides of a story before I take action. I get along with almost everyone even if they have made a bad first impression on me. Well thank you for reading this I hope you consider me to be apart of the staff on your server.

    Additional Info ~
    What makes you better than the rest:I have been playing minecraft for 2 years I know every single bukkit command there is inside out I have been using bukkit since 1.7 beta and I know almost every single plugin command also I have helped many people this is fun because you know that you have helped someone today.
    How do you resolve issues: First of all I will take both sides of the 'story' and listen to both of the players When people are fighting it can be a tough situation it varies between the extreme swearer's and the one's that love to annoy staff in these situations I will remind them of the rules and teleport them to spawn, to continue this action they will be muted to exceed this kicked and/or banned
    Experience:I have ran my owner server it was just a server for friends though, I have been staff on about 8 servers and have set up the whole ranks system on two, and Have been Co-owner on 2 really good servers, Head Admin on 3, Admin on 5 mod on 2, Trial mod on 1, and head mod on 1 but overall if i get staff on your server it would make my day because your server exceeds the rest
    Why you want this rank?:I want to find a server where everyone is really nice and I can know that i'm helping out everyone on the server whenever I can but, also having fun like building, pvp, raiding.
    Will you abuse powers: No I have been asked this alot and some people would have trust issues with promoting me but i just say why would I still be on your server, why would i be helping people right now if i was gonna cause chaos and why would i treat everyone with respect these are thing i do on every server i join if i fail to do one of these i will try to undo my action and be honest about it,but power abusing is one thing I will never do if i got admin on a server why would you want to abuse when you got lucky enough to get the postion on a great and friendly server there is no reason to abuse and I always hate people that do abuse, if i did which i will never do i would be honest because lying gets you no where I can be on every day almost
    12/22/2013 10:16 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    My Minecraft Profile!

    Applying For: Co-owner
    Age: 14
    IGN: xXCodeBossXx
    Skype: cody.commandeur
    Plugin skills: 8
    Permission skills: 7
    Redstone skills:7
    Minecraft skills: 10
    Building skills: 9
    Able to donate at least $10: no not yet but soon
    Are you able to help: yes
    Buycraft Skills: 7
    Previous positions: Head Admin On two servers Admin on 3 And Mod on 5

    Current positions: Head-mod on 1

    Permission knowledge: Extensive since ran my own server for a while.

    Command knowledge: I know most of the commands for the plugins that I use. (World Edit, World Guard, Essentials, LWC,Bending, Votifier, Factions, Core Protect, Almost any plugin I can figure out.

    Reason we should pick you:
    Well let me start out I'm 14 years of age I have a 10/10 maturity. I respect every person with the most upright respect and never less,When a player is abusing any staff like a mod or trainee this is not acceptable like asking for items or cussing intensely at them I will mute them or kick them depending on how intense it was or is and then tell what they had done wrong in order for me to take action so that they don't make the mistake again (the rules are the most essential part of a server) I can keep my cool in the toughest of situations and can be a strong leader I'm very good with permissions. If the owner or Whomever cannot Figure out how to use a plugin feel free to ask me I will figure out how to use any plugin. I think I'm a good builder I have built a few spawns in my day and new server build like statue's of the owner and/or shops. I have also run my own server when 1.2.5 was still the latest version and it was a quite a success (I couldnt afford to keep it up longer). I obey ever rank higher than me always and anytime if not to do this I will be honest to the owner that I have done so and prepare for a punishment (I will probably not disrespect anyone) , I also take both sides of a story before I take action. I get along with almost everyone even if they have made a bad first impression on me. Well thank you for reading this I hope you consider me to be apart of the staff on your server.

    Additional Info ~
    What makes you better than the rest:I have been playing minecraft for 2 years I know every single bukkit command there is inside out I have been using bukkit since 1.7 beta and I know almost every single plugin command also I have helped many people this is fun because you know that you have helped someone today.
    How do you resolve issues: First of all I will take both sides of the 'story' and listen to both of the players When people are fighting it can be a tough situation it varies between the extreme swearer's and the one's that love to annoy staff in these situations I will remind them of the rules and teleport them to spawn, to continue this action they will be muted to exceed this kicked and/or banned
    Experience:I have ran my owner server it was just a server for friends though, I have been staff on about 8 servers and have set up the whole ranks system on two, and Have been Co-owner on 2 really good servers, Head Admin on 3, Admin on 5 mod on 2, Trial mod on 1, and head mod on 1 but overall if i get staff on your server it would make my day because your server exceeds the rest
    Why you want this rank?:I want to find a server where everyone is really nice and I can know that i'm helping out everyone on the server whenever I can but, also having fun like building, pvp, raiding.
    Will you abuse powers: No I have been asked this alot and some people would have trust issues with promoting me but i just say why would I still be on your server, why would i be helping people right now if i was gonna cause chaos and why would i treat everyone with respect these are thing i do on every server i join if i fail to do one of these i will try to undo my action and be honest about it,but power abusing is one thing I will never do if i got admin on a server why would you want to abuse when you got lucky enough to get the postion on a great and friendly server there is no reason to abuse and I always hate people that do abuse, if i did which i will never do i would be honest because lying gets you no where I can be on every day almost
    12/22/2013 10:11 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    Thanks... Ip?
    12/22/2013 9:50 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    Need A Hub With 4 Portals:

    Theme: Modern/Futuristic
    Blocks: StainedClay/Quartz

    1) Creative
    2) Survival
    3) Hunger Games
    4) Minigames

    You Get Full OP When Building To Get World edit... (Tell me what plugins you need if you need any more).

    Price Range: $50 - $100.

    Can You Guys Be My Official Server Builders?
    Will Be Willing To Pay:

    Hub: $50 - $100
    Minigames Hub: $50 - $100
    Survival Games Maps: $50
    Arena's [Walls, Quake, Etc]: $25 - $50
    Waiting Lobby's: $10 - $25

    Prices Can Be Negotiated.

    Do I Pay After Or Before? Or Can I Do Half Before Half After?

    Yours Sincerely,
    12/04/2013 6:28 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    Yea... I sent the form to you. Im at school so ill msg you on skype when i get home

    11/30/2013 3:27 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Skype: Pm after
    Experience: 9.7/10
    Why you would like to join: Cause im looking to take part in a quest
    Thats it.
    You will get futher details on skype.
    I hope to see some good aplications,
    Christopher CEO of lostvinegames
    11/23/2013 2:54 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    Can i broadcast it to twitch?
    11/23/2013 2:54 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    11/22/2013 10:57 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    11/22/2013 10:32 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    11/21/2013 7:22 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    Builder Application
    IGN (In game name): xXCodeBossXx
    Age: 15 in 2 days
    Maturity (?/10) 9.2 {I like to laugh sometimes}
    Skype (essential for communicating): Pm after acceptance
    Why do you deserve to join? Because i want to help others and i once came 10th in a Team Vareide comp
    Proof of builds: Check my pmc for 1 build of a modern house... Not much but its my only upload
    What will you do? Build modern, futuristic and Victorian.
    What do you rate yourself on build skills. Me 9/10 Team Variede 9.233/10
    11/21/2013 7:18 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    Is this like HermitCraft?

    Age (16 or over maybe 15 If your extremely funny and mature! ): 15 in 3 days
    Gender: Male
    Youtube Channel: xXCodeBossXx {Looking to upload... Got 1 video}
    Skype: Pm after acceptance
    Subscribers: 50... {Around There}
    How could we benefit from you joining the server: I am an excellent builder. I came 10th in a TeamVariede comp
    What's your recording equipment: Headset:Turtle Beach p11's Recorder: OBS File Output {OBS You can put webcam and stuff on videos} And Sony Vegas Pro 12
    Stream Equipment:OBS {You mean twitch right?}
    Maturity(0/10): 9.2 {I like to have a laugh sometimes}
    Building Skills (not needed but if your good it helps): 9.233 is my score from Vareide Competition
    Building Proof (also optional but helps): Check my pmc?
    How often can you play: 5 Hours weekdays 10 Hours weekends
    Time Zone: AEST
    Are you able to Make Banners and Thumbnails or youtube backgrounds(Extra but very helpful): I can give it a shot

    Please whitelist me as i am looking for somewhere to start recording minecraft with others.
    11/06/2013 6:58 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    My Minecraft Profile!
    Age: 14
    IGN: xXCodeBossXx
    Skype: cody.commandeur
    Plugin skills: 8
    Permission skills: 7
    Redstone skills:7
    Minecraft skills: 10
    Building skills: 9
    Able to donate at least $10: no not yet but soon
    Are you able to help: yes
    Buycraft Skills: 7
    Previous positions: Head Admin On two servers Admin on 3 And Mod on 5

    Current positions: Head-mod on 1

    Permission knowledge: Extensive since ran my own server for a while.

    Command knowledge: I know most of the commands for the plugins that I use. (World Edit, World Guard, Essentials, LWC,Bending, Votifier, Factions, Core Protect, Almost any plugin I can figure out.

    Reason we should pick you:
    Well let me start out I'm 14 years of age I have a 10/10 maturity. I respect every person with the most upright respect and never less,When a player is abusing any staff like a mod or trainee this is not acceptable like asking for items or cussing intensely at them I will mute them or kick them depending on how intense it was or is and then tell what they had done wrong in order for me to take action so that they don't make the mistake again (the rules are the most essential part of a server) I can keep my cool in the toughest of situations and can be a strong leader I'm very good with permissions. If the owner or Whomever cannot Figure out how to use a plugin feel free to ask me I will figure out how to use any plugin. I think I'm a good builder I have built a few spawns in my day and new server build like statue's of the owner and/or shops. I have also run my own server when 1.2.5 was still the latest version and it was a quite a success (I couldnt afford to keep it up longer). I obey ever rank higher than me always and anytime if not to do this I will be honest to the owner that I have done so and prepare for a punishment (I will probably not disrespect anyone) , I also take both sides of a story before I take action. I get along with almost everyone even if they have made a bad first impression on me. Well thank you for reading this I hope you consider me to be apart of the staff on your server.

    Additional Info ~
    What makes you better than the rest:I have been playing minecraft for 2 years I know every single bukkit command there is inside out I have been using bukkit since 1.7 beta and I know almost every single plugin command also I have helped many people this is fun because you know that you have helped someone today.
    How do you resolve issues: First of all I will take both sides of the 'story' and listen to both of the players When people are fighting it can be a tough situation it varies between the extreme swearer's and the one's that love to annoy staff in these situations I will remind them of the rules and teleport them to spawn, to continue this action they will be muted to exceed this kicked and/or banned
    Experience:I have ran my owner server it was just a server for friends though, I have been staff on about 8 servers and have set up the whole ranks system on two, and Have been Co-owner on 2 really good servers, Head Admin on 3, Admin on 5 mod on 2, Trial mod on 1, and head mod on 1 but overall if i get staff on your server it would make my day because your server exceeds the rest
    Why you want this rank?:I want to find a server where everyone is really nice and I can know that i'm helping out everyone on the server whenever I can but, also having fun like building, pvp, raiding.
    Will you abuse powers: No I have been asked this alot and some people would have trust issues with promoting me but i just say why would I still be on your server, why would i be helping people right now if i was gonna cause chaos and why would i treat everyone with respect these are thing i do on every server i join if i fail to do one of these i will try to undo my action and be honest about it,but power abusing is one thing I will never do if i got admin on a server why would you want to abuse when you got lucky enough to get the postion on a great and friendly server there is no reason to abuse and I always hate people that do abuse, if i did which i will never do i would be honest because lying gets you no where I can be on every day almost
    11/06/2013 6:57 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    My Minecraft Profile!
    Age: 14
    IGN: xXCodeBossXx
    Skype: cody.commandeur
    Plugin skills: 8
    Permission skills: 7
    Redstone skills:7
    Minecraft skills: 10
    Building skills: 9
    Able to donate at least $10: no not yet but soon
    Are you able to help: yes
    Buycraft Skills: 7
    Previous positions: Head Admin On two servers Admin on 3 And Mod on 5

    Current positions: Head-mod on 1

    Permission knowledge: Extensive since ran my own server for a while.

    Command knowledge: I know most of the commands for the plugins that I use. (World Edit, World Guard, Essentials, LWC,Bending, Votifier, Factions, Core Protect, Almost any plugin I can figure out.

    Reason we should pick you:
    Well let me start out I'm 14 years of age I have a 10/10 maturity. I respect every person with the most upright respect and never less,When a player is abusing any staff like a mod or trainee this is not acceptable like asking for items or cussing intensely at them I will mute them or kick them depending on how intense it was or is and then tell what they had done wrong in order for me to take action so that they don't make the mistake again (the rules are the most essential part of a server) I can keep my cool in the toughest of situations and can be a strong leader I'm very good with permissions. If the owner or Whomever cannot Figure out how to use a plugin feel free to ask me I will figure out how to use any plugin. I think I'm a good builder I have built a few spawns in my day and new server build like statue's of the owner and/or shops. I have also run my own server when 1.2.5 was still the latest version and it was a quite a success (I couldnt afford to keep it up longer). I obey ever rank higher than me always and anytime if not to do this I will be honest to the owner that I have done so and prepare for a punishment (I will probably not disrespect anyone) , I also take both sides of a story before I take action. I get along with almost everyone even if they have made a bad first impression on me. Well thank you for reading this I hope you consider me to be apart of the staff on your server.

    Additional Info ~
    What makes you better than the rest:I have been playing minecraft for 2 years I know every single bukkit command there is inside out I have been using bukkit since 1.7 beta and I know almost every single plugin command also I have helped many people this is fun because you know that you have helped someone today.
    How do you resolve issues: First of all I will take both sides of the 'story' and listen to both of the players When people are fighting it can be a tough situation it varies between the extreme swearer's and the one's that love to annoy staff in these situations I will remind them of the rules and teleport them to spawn, to continue this action they will be muted to exceed this kicked and/or banned
    Experience:I have ran my owner server it was just a server for friends though, I have been staff on about 8 servers and have set up the whole ranks system on two, and Have been Co-owner on 2 really good servers, Head Admin on 3, Admin on 5 mod on 2, Trial mod on 1, and head mod on 1 but overall if i get staff on your server it would make my day because your server exceeds the rest
    Why you want this rank?:I want to find a server where everyone is really nice and I can know that i'm helping out everyone on the server whenever I can but, also having fun like building, pvp, raiding.
    Will you abuse powers: No I have been asked this alot and some people would have trust issues with promoting me but i just say why would I still be on your server, why would i be helping people right now if i was gonna cause chaos and why would i treat everyone with respect these are thing i do on every server i join if i fail to do one of these i will try to undo my action and be honest about it,but power abusing is one thing I will never do if i got admin on a server why would you want to abuse when you got lucky enough to get the postion on a great and friendly server there is no reason to abuse and I always hate people that do abuse, if i did which i will never do i would be honest because lying gets you no where I can be on every day almost
    11/06/2013 6:50 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
    xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
    IGN: xXCodeBossXx
    Full Body
    Swinging a diamond sword in the air

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