Ancient Creeper Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Creepers

Ancient Creeper

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Level 48 : Master Loremaster
Wind whistles in the air. An eary calm lay over a remnant of the old world. The Player walks through the abandoned buildings, sword at the ready. Within the ruins remain loot of an ancient time. Expired meat, bones, unused paper, and the occasional emerald. You keep on looking. A boulder poking through the ground sits next to a large house. You note the explosion holes in the sides of every building, leaving the place a mess. The Player opens the door, and is greeted with a dead calm. Then there's a "hiss". You hault. From every direction, you hear hisses. You look around, now wielding your sword. Your eyes become keen, watching for the slightest movement. Nothing. You relax. "Just my mind playing tricks on me", you tell yourself. You cotinue to look around at the ruins before entering the building, noting the mossy cobblestone boulders all around, misshapen from time and corrosion. You wonder what happened here, coming to the conclusion that a barrage of creepers started this onslaught. You open the door and hear a cacophony of hisses. You immediately draw out your sword and take position. You look around, the eary calm broken, each and every mass of boulders gives birth to dozens upon dozens of awoken creepers, each overgrown and attached to the boulders. They all take note of you, and head straight towards you in mass. "The Creepers...", You tell yourself, "They never left!".

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The Dirty Pirate
09/01/2020 11:54 am
Level 26 : Expert Explorer
cool skin, it looks awesome man! 😃😃😃😋🙂
