Illager Assassin Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Villagers

Illager Assassin

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Level 47 : Master Loremaster
A Pillager raid has ensued on a local village. The raid has gone on for hours, wave by wave. The Player slashes and sweeps through the raiders one-by-one, sword in hand. With no more in sight, you relax and exhale a sigh of relief. Bow on ground, sword in earth, you bend on one knee and breathe in and out from exhaustion. From behind you hear a menacing "Hmmmph!", followed with a chuckle of malice. The Player's head turns slightly, glancing at a never-before-seen Pillager, arms crossed, eye shining with evil intent. In a flash you turn, bow charged and ready to shoot! The Pillager in white is gone. You close your eyes and relax. You hear a whisper behind you, and a slight sound of a sword being drawn from a scabbard. Then there is a loud "Howch!". The Assassin drops to the ground and puffs into a smoke of nothingness. The Player returns the sword to their inventory, ready to rest from the battle's end.

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