Minecraft Mods

Mana metal mod - An ultimate Minecraft RPG mod

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Level 27 : Expert Sus
needMUYA1.7.10 & Forge 1614
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Mana metal mod - An ultimate Minecraft RPG mod Minecraft Mod

Officital Discord:

Some of features are listed here. Others leave you to discover!
  • Lots of different careers and production professions. Getting stronger during adventure!
  • RPG style equipment, smelting and production system to make you own style!
  • Hundreds of new mobs and bosses. Defeat them to make you stronger!
  • New ruins and dimensions. Explore and loot them all!
  • Lots of new ores in overworld, nether, the end and so on!
  • Fishing system. Catch the legend fish and treasure!
  • Lots of new foods, desserts and kitchenware. Make various culinary delights. Don't miss if you are a foodie!
  • Have various and beautiful furniture, decorations and building block. Also have chisel tool for builder!
  • Unique dungeon system. Challenge 10+ different types of dungeon to get various loot.
  • Armor set effect. Armor is not only a type of defensive equipment. Choose a proper set effect for your character!
  • Weapon & armor forging system. Create and refine for your powerful weapon!
  • Powerful mining/harvesting tools for quickly getting resources!
  • Battle card system. Hundreds of cards to be collected!
  • NPC village. Chatting, trading and playing card with NPC!
  • BINGO! Support items from other mods. Find them and get reward!
  • 30+ new biomes for colorful world generation!
  • Accessory system. Provide 20+ types of accessory for your character!
  • Fashion system. Change your look by various equipment and medals!
  • Farming system. 30+ crops, fruit trees and mushroom for farming. Leveling up your farming skill to unlock more advanced crops!
  • Complete NEI integrations. Almost every recipes from ManaMetal can be found via NEI.
  • Crystal system. Help you to build automation system, resource collection, defence system and special effects!
  • Energy system. Various mana energy to let your device work. Can also convert to RF energy!
  • Survival system. Include food decaying, cave collapsing, and wound. Make surviving more challenging!
  • HUDGUI system. Completely rewrite health, boss bar and target information display.
  • Old version with new experience! Backport new version MC features into 1.7.10!

Craft tutorial book

Main UI









ManaMeta also has complete mod compatibility with these mods:

-Thaumcraft: Two research pages for new wand caps, focuses, as well as powerful Misriru armor.
-Botania: Ultimate terra steel and gaia spirit ingot to make new armor. More generating flowers for efficient mana production.
-Tinkers Construct: Most materials are natively supported to make tinkers' tools.
-Twilight Forest: Most bosses have been enhanced or tweaked. New treasure and weapons to loot.
-TofuCraft: Super metal tofu for making advanced armor and tools.
-Immersive Engineering: Some materials can be made into drill for faster mining speed and larger mining area. New material for making armor and tools. More mineral deposits for excavator.
-SlashBlade: Some materials can be made into new slash blade.
-The Aether: More loot and powerful armor in boss rewards. New set effect for armor.
-ProjectE: Some items can be converted via EMC system.
-Mo'Creatures: New set effect for native armor. New items for animal protection.
-Ex Nihilo: Some ores from ManaMetal can be obtain via sieve.
-Foods from other mods, such as LotsOfFood, Pam's HarvestCraft, AppleMilkTea2, FoodCraft, FoodExpansion..., have been integrated into cooking and diet system.
-OreDictionary: Most recipes are ore-dictionary-supported. Use dictionary converting table to help you utilize ores from other mods.









In the following paragraph, “M3” will represent “manametalmod” and “muya”, “official” will represent the “manametalmod official production team”, and “player” will represent any user who is not “manametalmod official production team”.

1. Players can publish the modpack including M3 on the internet for people to download and use.
2. Players are not allowed to make any modification to M3 include but not limited to decompile and modified, release M3 modified version or translated version.
3. Players can adjust behavior of M3 without directly modifying the M3 itself (players can use the mod to modify and change the crafting table of M3 or make M3-related MOD, but it is still prohibited to release the modified version of M3)
4. When the player submits the translated text to the official, it means that you agree to unconditionally provide the official right to use and modify the translated text.

1. Players can set up a mod server including M3, change the server setting and its corresponding modpack without violating the terms of the mod.
2. The server is forbidden to recycle the limited items that are officially sent to the player. The limited items refer to items such as medals, exclusive relics or decorations that are exclusive to a specific player, and it cannot be obtained without playing with a specific player in survival mode unless obtaining these item via mods, command and creation mode.
2-2. Players are forbidden to directly or indirectly sell the limited items. The definition of sales includes the limited items sold directly in currency, or the virtual currency is sold in currency and allowed to be used by the player. Currency is defined as any legal tender with real value, such as US dollars, Euros, Japanese yen, New Taiwan dollars, etc. Virtual currency is currency that has no recognized value in reality, such as currency in economic plug-ins, virtual gold coins earned by players in games, and so on.
3. Players are prohibited from claiming to be any official person, partner, official agent or official server of M3 in the private server created by them without the official known, consent or designation.
3-1. If players want to cooperate with M3, agency, collaboration, they can go to the official channel to contact the official staff for the next step of negotiation and discussion.

1. Without informing any players, the official reserves the right to modify, supplement, remove, etc.
2. When the player downloads, plays, or uses this mod, it means that the player agrees to the contents of all the above terms and agrees that they will indeed abide by it.
3. If the player does not agree to the above terms, please immediately remove M3 mod.
4. This English version of the Terms and Conditions and any foreign language translation, the Traditional Chinese version shall prevail.

Creditmk456766, 草莓龍(strawberry dragon)
Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

51 Update Logs

7.2.8 : by mk456766 11/03/2024 10:42:16 pmNov 3rd














-連成一氣 一般箭矢沒有造成兩次傷害






















































  • 斷界神槍 新增效果:施放技能後,20內若未發射標槍,將會自動取消施放,並且返回冷卻時間
  • 魔化獵手 新增效果:強化銀槍,銀槍對生命值低於65%的目標將提高70%的技能傷害,對生命值低於35%的目標會再提高70%技能傷害

  • 瞬斬 冷卻時間,1秒 > 5秒,現在不需要劍氣發動也不會消耗劍氣
  • 水車/一閃 新增效果 透過一閃獲得無敵時會同時獲得10秒的一閃效果,持續時間內施放一閃不會獲得無敵效果
  • 水車/一閃 新增效果:一閃會對目標造成五秒的麻痺效果
  • 玄月/鷹爪 新增效果:玄月與鷹爪會對擁有麻痺效果的目標提高125%技能傷害
  • 水車/一閃 360% > 330%
  • 受流/猛襲 新增效果:猛襲會對擁有眩暈效果的目標提高125%技能傷害

  • 心靈之火 攻擊範圍,12 > 16、魔靈值紙式神攻擊的速度間隔,15 > 12
  • 守靈結界 攻擊範圍,16 > 20

  • 還魂術 新增效果:所有魔界召喚的召喚物附近將引發魔力爆裂,攻擊範圍內所有目標
  • 還魂術 提高魔力恢復量、冷卻時間12秒 > 10秒、魔力消耗,300 > 100
  • 著魔效果 新增效果:提升5點穿透值
  • 幻影悅靈 將對非魔王目標造成額外30%的傷害
  • 引導之矢 冷卻時間,2秒 > 1秒、魔力消耗,600 > 100
  • 悅靈再生專精 新增效果,強化幻影悅靈,召喚的幻影悅靈數量提升2隻
  • 魔法導彈 新增效果,魔法導彈將對擁有破魔效果的目標造成兩倍的傷害

  • 真理之門 提高醫療量
  • 神聖烙印 冷卻時間 24秒 > 12秒、持續時間 30秒 > 15秒

  • 穿空箭重製 可與爆裂箭或閃雷矢共存,當施放爆裂箭或閃雷矢後,發射穿空矢,將可以轉換為爆裂穿空箭或雷霆穿空箭,同時讓共存技能進入冷卻時間。爆裂穿空箭將穿透敵人的同時會造成穿空矢傷害120%的物理遠程火焰元素爆炸傷害,爆炸可波及到附近的所有目標。雷霆穿空箭將穿透敵人的同時,會造成穿空矢傷害200%的物理遠程雷電元素能量傷害,同時傷害範圍內最多四個目標,並給予兩次傷害
  • 弓術精通 爆裂穿空箭或雷霆穿空箭成功命中目標後,將會獲得元素箭矢效果,持續時間內,施放爆裂箭、閃雷矢或共存穿空箭矢技能時,將減少30%的冷卻時間。另外擊殺任何目標後,穿空箭技能的冷卻時間都將會減少1秒
  • 五重矢 五重矢發射的箭矢可以穿透最多兩個目標,對後方的目標造成傷害

  • 竭盡所能 最終傷害提升20% > 最終傷害提升30%
  • 匕首劍舞 可對目標造成酸性的持續傷害效果
  • 十字連斬 飛毒刃、連環鏢 、強雷襲與匕首劍舞現在會給予目標暗殺標記效果,最多給予目標五層效果,每次給予10秒鐘的效果,當十字連斬命中持有暗殺標記的目標時,消耗目標身上所有的暗殺標記層數,每層提升本次十字連斬的技能段數兩次
  • 潛行刺殺專精 變更效果:使用十字連斬攻擊持有五層暗殺標記效果的目標時,獲得潛行刺殺效果,可降低33%受到的傷害
  • 暗夜匿蹤專精 變更效果:受到傷害時有額外33%機率閃避傷害

  • 魔力存儲 受到傷害後,將只會失去魔力一層儲存效果
  • 魔力律動 擁有魔力律動效果時,使用法杖普通攻擊魔法只會消耗30%的魔力


  • 新增時裝類型,特殊時裝、傷害字型
  • 新增時裝藍色背部魔法陣、紅色背部魔法陣、紅色計算機傷害字型、金光閃閃傷害字型、南瓜餅乾傷害字型、霓虹傷害字型、棉花糖傷害字型、藍色計算機傷害字型、白金傷害字型、巧克力餅乾傷害字型、藍焰傷害字型、點陣傷害字型、超級迷你傷害字型、透明傷害字型、問號傷害字型、方塊傷害字型、骰子傷害字型
  • 新增自定義勳章、七色彩虹貓寵物
  • 白金商店現在會販賣傷害字型
  • 透明傷害字型可以用紙、玻璃與魔法粉合成製作,可使傷害數字不顯示

  • 賽特斯石英水晶現在可以被粉碎機粉碎成賽特斯石英粉
  • 福魯伊克斯水晶現在可以被粉碎機粉碎成福魯伊克斯粉
  • 終界珍珠現在可以被粉碎機粉碎成末影粉
  • 地獄石英礦與地獄石英可以被粉碎機粉碎成地獄石英粉
  • 地獄石英粉與賽特斯石英粉可以熔煉成硅
  • 麵粉可以轉換為魔法金屬的麵粉

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10/11/2022 2:52 am
Level 1 : New Dragonborn
Awesome work
