Minecraft Mods

The Ruby Mod

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Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Artist
The mod adds rubies, i.e. red emeralds, the mod restores rubies and you can't trade, but you can make tools and armor, it adds a new biome, i.e. rite land is very dead and the air is dirty and you can get new treasure The update adds two apples but ruby ​​apples with enchanted ones and regular ones and the update changes the texture of tools and ore and block why because the creator didn't like such textures so he changed it
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.1

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by cinema_sheeps 08/29/2024 4:37:47 amAug 29th

The update adds two apples but ruby ​​apples with enchanted ones and regular ones and the update changes the texture of tools and ore and block why because the creator didn't like such textures so he changed it

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