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Level 24 : Expert Miner

Commands and Permissions

/tomap <url>

Renders an image and gives a map to the player with it.

  • This command can only be used by a player.
  • The link must be complete, do not forget that the chat limit is 240 characters.
  • You can use an URL shortener like tinyURL or bitly.
  • If you want a picture in one map, type resize after the link.
    • If you want to resize to multiple maps, add the witth and height after resize: e.g. /tomap url resize 2 4
    • You can change the scaling method by replacing the resize keyword in the /tomap command by:
      • resize-stretched to stretch the image to the surface (the image could be distorted); or
      • resize-covered to ensure the image covers the whole surface (the image will never be distorted, but some parts may be lost near the borders).
  • Permission: imageonmap.new (or imageonmap.userender—legacy, but will be kept in the plugin).


Opens a GUI to see, retrieve and manage the user's maps.

  • This command can only be used by a player.
  • Opens a GUI listing all the maps in a paginated view.
  • A book is displayed too to see some usage statistics (maps created, quotas).
  • A user can retrieve a map by left-clicking it, or manage it by right-clicking.
  • Maps can be renamed (for organization), deleted (but they won't render in-game anymore!), or partially retrieved (for posters maps containing more than one map).
  • Permission: imageonmap.list, plus imageonmap.get, imageonmap.rename and imageonmap.delete for actions into the GUI.

/maptool <new|list|get|delete|explore|migrate>

Main command to manage the maps. The less used in everyday usage, too.
  • The commands names are pretty obvious.
  • /maptool new is an alias of /tomap.
  • /maptool explore is an alias of /maps.
  • /maptool migrate migrates the old maps when you upgrade from IoM <= 2.7 to IoM 3.0. You HAVE TO execute this command to retrieve all maps when you do such a migration.
  • Permissions:
    • imageonmap.new for /maptool new;
    • imageonmap.list for both /maptool list and /maptool explore;
    • imageonmap.get for /maptool get;
    • imageonmap.delete for /maptool delete;
    • imageonmap.administrative for /maptool migrate.

About the permissions

All permissions are by default granted to everyone, with the exception of imageonmap.administrative. We believe that in most cases, servers administrators want to give the availability to create images on maps to every player.
Negate a permission using a plugin manager to remove it, if you want to restrict this possibility to a set of users.

You can grant imageonmap.* to users, as this permission is a shortcut for all user permissions (excluding imageonmap.administrative).


# Plugin language. Empty: system language.
# Available: en_US (default, fallback) and fr_FR.

# Allows collection of anonymous statistics on plugin environment and usage
# The statistics are publicly visible here: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/ImageOnMap
collect-data: true

# Images rendered on maps consume Minecraft maps ID, and there are only 32 767 of them.
# You can limit the maximum number of maps a player, or the whole server, can use with ImageOnMap.
# 0 means unlimited.
map-global-limit: 0
map-player-limit: 0
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.17.1

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03/07/2022 7:05 am
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
How do you use regular maps though? As soon as I made a change, the map quit displaying.
10/17/2021 3:25 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Sorry, I somehow failed this one by accident. I restored it immediately after though!
