Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

1000 Power Fireball On Wool

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HMSNike's Avatar HMSNike
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Disclaimer: Some may think that this is not original content because fireballs have been around for a while. But actually, it is a landscaping. No hate please.

If you want to create this in your own world preform the following steps:

Step 1: Create New World
I modified my world with different wool colors at different depths, but you can use any world. I found for best results you have a least 30 blocks above the bedrock layer.

Step 2: Edit The Gamerules
To achieve the best result, I modified my game rules a bit. These are the following commands I used.
/gamerule randomTickSpeed 1000
/gamerule doFireTick false

Step 3: Summon The Fireball
Use the following command to summon the fireball, then punch it into the ground. Please note that you can adjust the power accordingly, but my computer was unable to handle powers above 1000, so tread carefully.
Fireball Command
/summon fireball ~ ~ ~ {direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0],ExplosionPower:1000}

Step 4: Expanding The Blast Radius
If you're satisfied with the result, go on to step 5. However, if you want to make the crater a bit bigger, try using the first command, waiting 10 seconds, then using the second command. Please note that this will be quite laggy, and only works if the world is made of flammable materials (such as wool).
/gamerule doFireTick true
/gamerule doFireTick false

Step 5: Removing the Fire
If you want the fire to stay forever, go ahead and skip this step. However if you would like to get rid of the fire (and some of the lag while you're at it), use the following command to make it rain.

Hope you enjoyed!
Progress100% complete

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