Minecraft Maps / Complex

NEW! 32's Laboratory

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Retired Moderator
Level 74 : Legendary Spleefer
World save no longer available

This was originally my mob trap laboratory with lots of bits and pieces of mob traps scattered about. Since most (not all) of those designs were rendered obsolete by the 1.6 update, I decided to clear out the entire thing and redo the floor.

Now, it's a universal laboratory for all you architects, theory crafters, mob trappers, redstone wizards and experimental scientist types to have a field day in!

Specs & Features:
  • 272x272x127.5 Interior space
  • glass ceiling at old 128 height limit blocks out weather without getting in the way of builds
  • floor is at level 1 made entirely of half slabs to eliminate mob spawning
  • floor is divided into four quadrants and marked at 8, 16, 32, and 96 blocks from center
  • now features N, S, E and W entrance/exits (i'll add faster exits someday)
  • centered around a central chunk


Author is not responsible for damage caused by the use of this map / file(s)
Do not distribute this map / file(s) without Author's explicit permission
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This map / file(s) is Copyright ©2011 and is the intellectual property of the Author three_two

YES! Make videos of this map and post them on the internet to sites such as YouTube. Be sure to properly attribute the author (three_two) and the map (32's Laboratory) along with a link to this page somewhere in the video's description.

Additional Notes

Texture Pack in the photos is Cyprezz's Planet Pack
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by three_two 07/16/2011 1:10:27 pmJul 16th, 2011

  • Removed all mah trappin' junk
  • Added flooring templates and entryways
  • New images

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04/07/2013 6:33 pm
Level 42 : Master Lumberjack
what did you use to render the map for the picture?
04/01/2012 5:10 am
Level 49 : Master Goblin
Does world save retired mean you can't download it..?
04/01/2012 5:09 am
Level 49 : Master Goblin
Why is there no download button for me? D:
05/18/2012 5:15 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Ranger
No one has the download button, its retired which means it does not work.
08/20/2011 6:19 am
Level 45 : Master Technomancer
Cool laboratory! Perfect for mob trap building!
06/13/2011 12:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Crazy video mate, I'm using the same idea with some tweaks to it in one I'm making in single player for my first practice one, althought this is going to be probably the most stupid question you've recieved today but here goes.

In your spawner rooms, you have your canals with the signs at the end, and 1 / 2 of them is not on the side of the wall but sort of in the middle of the end of the canal (hope that makes sense) and I'm just curious to as how you do that, I tried putting the sign on a block and getting rid of the block but it just makes the sign fall. Any help? :D
06/13/2011 12:53 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Spleefer
Thanks! To answer your question (i think) I just lay signs on top of signs. Once you put a sign on the wall, just put another sign right in front of it (with sign equipped, left click on the face of the sign already on the wall) this "stacks" the sign so there's a floating sign in front of the wall sign. Hope that answer's your question :)
06/01/2011 11:02 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
Um, the download doesn't work...
06/03/2011 10:21 am
Level 74 : Legendary Spleefer
I guess that's why it only had one download ~_~ argh

06/03/2011 5:20 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
