This Map is an entry in the completed Team Edition : Journey Through Time Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

A Journey Through Minecraft

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Level 28 : Expert Network
A Journey Through Minecraft Minecraft Map
A Journey Through Minecraft Minecraft Map
When Minecraft was released on November 18, 2011, no one could have imagined what a great success this sandbox game would be!
Minecraft has become a synonym for creativity, adventure and community. Each block becomes an inspiration to the player, each
mob makes the player's heart beat faster: thousands and thousands of players spend their free time on large aswell as small servers.

We have intentionally set this map up to not have any unnecessarily big buildings or structures, as we truly believe that third-party programs that create over-scaled depictions of a minecraft world contradict the spirit of actually building something great!

The "A-Journey-Through-Time-Contest" was a matter of the heart for us. We wanted to bring the original, real Minecraft feeling back to today's world. We have investested plenty of time into adding many small details. And those details are what we appreciate.

In our project, we got inspired by the different eras of Minecraft. What features have been added in each version? Which blocks or structures?
Have these versions inspired the players to try out new styles and create something unimaginable?

Download is highly recommended! See the full map with armorstands and heads. Only in world download you can see little stories and secrets :)

Als Minecraft am 18. November 2011 veröffentlicht wurde, ahnte niemand welch großen Erfolg dieses Sandbox-Game haben
würde. Das Spiel steht für Kreativität, Abenteuerlust und Gemeinschaft. Jeder Block wird zur Inspiration für den Spieler, jeder Mob lässt das Spielerherz höher schlagen und auf großen oder kleinen Servern verbringen tausende Spieler gemeinsam ihre Freizeit.

Der A-Jorney-Through-Time-Contest war für uns eine Herzensangelegenheit. Wir wollten das ursprünglich, echte Minecraft Gefühl wieder zurück in die heutige Welt 2018 bringen. Eine Zeit in der noch Liebe in die kleinen Details gesteckt wurde. Und eben diese kleinen Details gewürdigt wurden.
Wir haben diese Karte bewusst so eingerichtet, dass keine unnötig großen Gebäude oder Strukturen entstehen, da wir der
Meinung sind, dass Programme von Drittanbietern, die überdimensionierte Darstellungen einer Minecraft-Welt erstellen, dem Geist widersprechen, etwas Großartiges zu bauen!

In unserem Projekt haben uns von den einzelnen Epochen von Minecraft inspirieren zu lassen. Was wurde in der Version integriert? Welche Blöcke oder Strukturen? Könnten diese Versionen die Spieler zu neuen/andere Bauten inspiriert haben?

A Journey Through Minecraft Minecraft Map

Version 1.0

For the 1.0 Version we build an old Castle. We took great care not to use any blocks from later versions. But yeah sometimes we though its more important to have fun :D So we added some uppper Slabs wich you couldn´t use in 1.0 But mainly we used 1.0 Blocks. The only expeption we made in every Version is in using Armorstands for some Villager to make the area more alive.

Here you can see some ingame (vanilla) Shots:

Version 1.1

In this area we thought about the survival experience off being able to farm so many wool cause sheeps are now able to regrow their wool. So we came to the idea to build modern wool-buildings in a gated community.
Can you find the special Sheep-Art?

Version 1.2

The big jungle Update ist out now! And this ispired us to build a big jungle with a mysterious temple. Can you find the treasure?

Version 1.3

In this Update Villager were added! We build a floating library where you can read secret books guarded by many Villagers.

Version 1.4

Isn´t this scary? Witchhuts where added in this Update! And we build a scary swampland with a rotten witch hut. But what is she doing with these ogers and monsters?

Version 1.5

The first big Redstone-Update! What is better than building a fabric where quartz is mined and processed? Frustrated workers implemented! You can also find a mine of quartz and a big accident where the tank was destroyed! And who was it? The Creeper-Invasion! (Maybe this wasn´t the first time)

Version 1.6

This is the horse update!

Version 1.7

The big Flower Update helped us to add more color and fantasy into our builds. With these new blocks you could build more natural and your Landscaping is improved: podzol, coarse dirt, acasia wood, sooooo many flowers, stained glass and dark oak wood!
It inspired us building a big flower forest with magic :D aaaaannnd jeb_-sheeps!

Version 1.8

Oceanmonuments were added in this Update. Maybe you can find one in our map! We also added an abadoned village built with the newly added prismarin blocks.

Version 1.9

Finally it is so much more impressive visiting the end world of minecraft. Mojang added the end fortress and expanded the end. You can now explore the end for hours, fighting against shulker and fly around with your elytra! On the side of building we got more interesting blocks: end rods ( a new light source), pur pur blocks, end brick stones, chorus fruits and more!

Version 1.10

In this Version the red bricks, magma blocks and the netherward block where added. We decided to build a scary Nether fortress with lava and a big bone skeleton in the middle.

Version 1.11

Can you feel the creepy athmosphere? Mansions were added and in these mansions are crazy types of mobs! watch out!

Version 1.12

Big Color-Update! This is the most colorful city of our Project. It was so much fun to build this crazy Town. If you are interested in history: This city was sad and gray before, but then a hero pop up wich bring back live and fun and espacially colors!

Shader: Sildurs Vibrant Shader v1.17 Medium
Builder: Simozzy, TiggerTyp, xXMihawkXx, CMinec, Brokkonaut, veganerr, BiiLoo, McKonny, _Tenku_

Used Plugins:
World Edit
World Guard
(Not nessecary when you wanna look on this Map :)

Any questions? Please ask everything you want in comments :)
Progress100% complete

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10/09/2018 4:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
This map is very beautyfull 😃
10/05/2018 1:07 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokémon
Add 1.13 please!

10/06/2018 7:40 am
Level 28 : Expert Network
Im sorry but the event is already over now :)
07/22/2018 4:11 pm
Level 49 : Master Pixel Puncher
Super Idee! Like!
Spy Jay
07/22/2018 4:05 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Lad
I actually liked this one, good luck!
07/22/2018 4:05 pm
Level 28 : Expert Network
Thank you :3
