Minecraft Maps / Complex

Château de Versailles - Adventcalendar #16

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Blockhead
Today, behind our 16th door, we have some sneak peeks for you guys. The "Choteau de Versailles" is one of the most beautiful palaces in the entire world.

Not just its gigantic wings and wonderful sculptures are a sight to behold, also its gardens are like a small eden.

Sadly, a project as large as this one is never finished, but we at least want to give you guys some pictures of it for christmas. The scale is 1.5:1 (1 meter in the reality equals 1.5 meters in blocks) and it is not even close to be done (under 10%).

Nevertheless, enjoy the screenshots and I hope you will at some point travel to Versailles, near Paris, to see this remarkable Choteau with your own eyes. It is far more beautiful in the reality and no one of us could ever do it justice just by placing blocks in a videogame.


Heute, am 16. Dezember, hält unser Adventskalender ein Schloss für euch bereit.

Das Choteau de Versailles mit seinen Gärten ist eines der schönsten Bauwerke Frankreichs und hat schon lange das Herz eines Mitglied unseres Bauteams erobert.

Wenn schon nicht für die Weihnachtsferien, merkt es euch für euren nächsten Urlaub vor, denn so schön, wie es in echt ist, werden wir es nie hinbekommen.
Progress0% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by OPAlien 12/27/2013 7:06:40 amDec 27th, 2013

New Pics :)

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07/06/2016 7:11 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
No download?
