Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Casa di Lombardi [Schematic]

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Level 62 : High Grandmaster Taco
This is a house I made in a Roman style. The structure itself wasn't meant to be impressive, however I have some things I want to talk about. I want you all (who are taking the time to read this), understand the reasoning that went behind designing the house. Rather than building a house willy nilly, I decided to research Roman houses and use that knowledge in Minecraft. This is the result, and I would like to share it with you all.

There are a few things that I had to take into account before beginning the house...

History: The house as built in 200 B.C. in the young city of Milano for the Lombardi family. The Lombardi's were a small family who had just made it rich in the diamomd mining industry, who moved North to begin another business venture. (They made a lot of enemies in Southern Italy and needed a fresh start) The building we see is its first day of completion, and the family is yet to move into the house. (Where you will be staying!)

Building Design: The shape of the house is simple and geometric. The Romans loved to build their houses like this, and it made city planning easy. Essentially, a plot of land is given and you work in the space provided, which is what was done here.

Tutorial: Will come later. : /

Additional Notes

*This history isn't necessarily accurate. There is no history of a Lombardi family, and I don't know if Milano existed in 200 B.C.. The story is simply a background and is not factual.


Macaulay, David. City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974. Print.

Texture Pack: Isabella II
Progress100% complete

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01/25/2013 9:15 pm
Level 47 : Master Network
would you mind if I use this for a map? I will give you credit of course.
01/28/2013 4:02 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Taco
yes, you can!
01/28/2013 8:48 pm
Level 47 : Master Network
12/16/2012 12:13 am
Level 27 : Expert Blockhead
Great work, very pretty :).. deserves a lot more rep. you could also make a world download for it using the 'WorldDownloader' mod! pretty simple..

-Currents c:
12/16/2012 1:46 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Taco
thanks! i was actually thinking about trying out worldedit and use it as a world download. i'll look up WorldDownloader though. seems interesting
