Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Castle Wall Bundle

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QuikFox's Avatar QuikFox
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
So, everybody seems to make their own castle and I've yet to make one of my own. The sever MineShaft is using the castle that I have the screenshots up of. Feel free to apply and check it out! I like what I've got completed so far, and thought that I might as well share what I have for other people to use for their own projects.

The last 5 screenshots show all the buildings available in this bundle.

If you do use it for your own project just send me a link so I can take a look at what you've come up with! Feel free to use on a server or whatever, credit would be nice, but I doubt it'd happen much, if at all.

  1. Added square variant towers and gatehouses to the bundle.

Obviously, this is going to be a large work in progress. I'm actually working on a square variant of the towers right now and those should be done very soon; once complete I'll add them to this pack. Once I have all the buildings inside the castle walls completed I may add those to this pack. I also may add the garden/forest that is in some of the screenshots if there is enough demand for it. In the meantime I would love to hear any ideas of other things you guys may like to see added to this pack.

I don't believe that I'll ever add the castle itself that I built in the screenshots; perhaps later but very unlikely. This is mostly because the castle itself is what makes your project unique and we can't be having a bunch of castles that look all the same! However, if this is enough demand I'll very likely put up the world file for download once the castle and such is complete.

Once again, please let me know any other things you'd like to see added to this pack!

Additional Notes

I used a modified John Smith texture pack for this. You can download the modified version here, if you like. Otherwise this looks just fine in any other texture pack. You'll simply want to change the Magenta and Lime Wools that I used for thatching to something of your choosing that you like!

Also, these segments are meant to be place two blocks below the surface, just like they are provided in the schematics. But that is very easily altered if you just replace the blocks that would otherwise be dirt or hidden by the dirt with whatever you think looks nice.
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by QuikFox 10/16/2021 3:01:05 pmOct 16th, 2021

Updated link to download.

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12/28/2014 5:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ethanxraddon's Avatar
Ahhhhh what the fuck I try to download the castle wall shinematics  file but it in my floder and it wont work
06/25/2014 7:28 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Hugoi's Avatar
I made a spawn with your walls in it! Please check it out, the results were great i think!
Deep Blue
03/05/2014 4:39 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
Deep Blue's Avatar
Absolutely perfect for our new project the game carcassone whithin minecraft we will link it when our redstone team is done
02/15/2014 7:05 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
TheXMagnum's Avatar
100th favorite!
181th diamond!
somethingth subscriber!
12/04/2013 10:45 am
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
Ravalis's Avatar
Would it be possible for you to create a Schematic?.-.
12/04/2013 5:15 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
QuikFox's Avatar
There are schematics for every piece of this set included in the download.
12/05/2013 12:06 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
Ravalis's Avatar
Ah, brilliant. Thanks!
12/02/2013 4:08 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
ender-face's Avatar
awesome! Diamond! But i just wanted to ask, can i use this for my server? PLEASE your creations are one of a kind! i cant find anything like this elsewhere!
12/02/2013 4:16 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
QuikFox's Avatar
Feel free to use on your server; that is what I made this for!
08/25/2013 2:02 pm
Level 20 : Expert Caveman
ServerModder317's Avatar
awsome ima use this for my port city and a castle test the test prob wont go up on pmc but the port city will
