Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Church Of Caelus

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OfficialChunkyCraft's Avatar OfficialChunkyCraft
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider
The Church of Caelus, a made up religion for my nation, Caelus, on the ChunkyCraft RP server. More backstory about the religion to come soon.

To-Do on the Church:
  • Finish interior
  • Make floating rock larger to be more proportionate to the Church
  • Hollow out rock for Church use
  • Install airship dock on side of rock

Any comments and suggestions are more than welcome

Texture Pack is DokuCraft Light
Progress75% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by OfficialChunkyCraft 08/30/2011 3:27:48 pmAug 30th, 2011

Changed the floor plan to a cross. Added two statues at the entrance of the church.

Still to do:
Floating rock under long arm
Bridge connecting two floating rocks
Airship docked at entrance

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01/13/2012 4:39 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
jake224's Avatar
Awesome, well done :)
08/28/2011 6:01 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
khanaris's Avatar

My suggestion would be to make the lower rock slightly larger, then extend the rock a little up into the angles made by the different wings. I like using smaller rocks to "balance" out tall structures. Since the basic structure is a cross, you could add smaller rock islands a little way out in front of each wing, then connect them back to the main church with bridges.

I really like the windows, though. Nice framing.
08/28/2011 9:12 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider
OfficialChunkyCraft's Avatar
Thanks! I've actually decided to extend one of the wings out to make the floor plan a cross. The plan is to have a small floating island supporting the end of the long branch and a bridge type support connecting the two islands to provide support for the long arm.
