Minecraft Maps / Complex

Disneyworld Magic Kingdom

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inizio's Avatar inizio
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
This is my version of Disneyworld Magic Kingdom. The video is the front of the park and the photos are what I have done after the video was made. I actually built the park bigger than 1:1 to try and give a little more detail to the build. At this moment I have all of disney done up to Cinderellas castle (plus I added 64 buildings to the side that would normally be parking lots at the real park but I wanted to add my own redstone games and some shops to help the server out) All of main street is finished front and back and the insides as well. Oh this is on a server you can view everything you see. Details at the bottom. You see some of the extra buildings in one of the photos.

A lot of this is half built I go back and touch up certain areas I build every single block seen. You will see the land floating I will eventually put in the ground and the water but find builds easier without having to worry about digging. I built Cinderellas castle 3 times. The server had some issues a while back and I lost my build twice. This was not my best version I may redo the build one day but the castle has about 6 of the top floors complete with hidden stuff all over it. (it used to be a capture the flag arena)

you can check out the build at projecteden.us (that is also the forum url as well)
Creditbuilt by me INIZIO on projecteden.us
Progress50% complete

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03/04/2014 8:11 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokémon
dirt135's Avatar
This is awesome! When can we get a download link? I am going to disneyworld soon, and would like to have this with me to check for accuracy! Oh wait, that's a good idea. If there are any areas you are uncertain about the details of, I can go and check.
03/05/2014 2:08 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
inizio's Avatar
I would love that however I dont have enough done to have an accurate test done. I know I got the front part right but there is one part of main street I am unsure of, when you walk down main street there is this little ally way on the right with shops and I cant seem to find good photos of that area. If you could get photos of that I will put your name up and my official build in that area and I will give you a download to the map. I dont have a download because Its not done yet. I might put one up of how it looks now if enough people want it..... I am going to update this video as well because I have a bunch of tommorrowland built since this was made.
03/05/2014 3:20 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokémon
dirt135's Avatar
Alright, I'll try my best to do that. Let me get back to you in a few days, K?
03/07/2014 11:09 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
inizio's Avatar
Sounds good
07/06/2013 3:59 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
jkdouglas's Avatar
OMG that is crazy.... I wish i could give you 1000 diamonds!!! :)
07/06/2013 5:14 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
inizio's Avatar
Thanks! Its been a very massive project thats for sure. What are these diamonds anyways? I an new to this site. Can I give away as many diamonds as I want?
07/06/2013 7:50 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
jkdouglas's Avatar
Yes you can... You can give 1 diamond per post. They give you 5 xp. Xp let's you level up.
07/01/2013 4:19 am
Level 24 : Expert Spelunker
jontetozer's Avatar
YOUR BUILD ARE SO GOOD how are you level 3
07/01/2013 4:24 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
inizio's Avatar
lol Thanks, I am level 4 now :P I signed up for this site a year or so
ago but I officially started putting up my builds on here 6 days ago. So
I am really new to the site. I came on here looking for other good
builders, little did I know there was TONS of amazing builders on this
site. I should have been on this site the whole time :P
06/25/2013 11:41 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
inizio's Avatar
What do you mean im forgetting space mountain? I put under the headline my version of it. Lets face it, space mountain is flying around in the dark really fast... that doesn't translate well in minecraft. So I made my own version of space mountain that has lots of redstone cool things in it and craftbook stuff in it that makes the ride actually enjoyable. Plus this way with the planets it makes it look like ur in space... which if I built the ride as it actually is you would just be in the dark for a long time then the ride would be over. So... I like my version better... plus my version has starwars in it lol. I didnt put photos up but if you ride the ride at night you fly outside of the building around the stars and fly around some tie fighters and the death star :P
