Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Elytras+ | Command Block Creation

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Level 71 : Legendary System
Hello! Today I've added twenty new elytra textures for your Minecraft world!

Click here for the command!
Click here for the resource pack (requires OptiFine)!

To change the texture of your elytra simply type in chat: /trigger myElytra set elytraNumber. Replace
elytraNumber with the number of the elytra, for example using 15 would set you elytra to that number.
Some of the elytra textures were contributed by anonymous users.

Elytras+ | Command Block Creation Minecraft Map- /trigger myElytra set 1
Elytras+ | Command Block Creation Minecraft Map- /trigger myElytra set 2
Elytras+ | Command Block Creation Minecraft Map- /trigger myElytra set 3
- /trigger myElytra set 4
- /trigger myElytra set 5
- /trigger myElytra set 6
- /trigger myElytra set 7
- /trigger myElytra set 8
- /trigger myElytra set 9
- /trigger myElytra set 10
- /trigger myElytra set 11
- /trigger myElytra set 12
- /trigger myElytra set 13
- /trigger myElytra set 14
- /trigger myElytra set 15
- /trigger myElytra set 16
- /trigger myElytra set 17
- /trigger myElytra set 18
- /trigger myElytra set 19
- /trigger myElytra set 20

By Code202

For 1.11.2+
Progress100% complete

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05/11/2017 3:47 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg
Do you know the testure pack ItemBound from Sixfootblue? If you don't what he has done is that he made use of a fewture that optifine has to change the textures of the items by renaming them for example you take a diamod sword and you rename it Diamond Katana and it changes in a diamond katana. You have done the same thing with your elytra if you rename an elytra from Elytra1 to Elytra20 you have all your textures without the use of the command block and you don't need to be op. I like your elytras so if you can add an icon for them to i will definetly use this resource pack. Also take a diamond for the nice elytras.
05/02/2017 6:18 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Taco
