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dirtybaker1331's Avatar dirtybaker1331
Level 37 : Artisan Ninja
After finishing the nuclear mushroom cloud, I got the idea to build a fallout inspired vault next to the blast. This is far from complete but got a lot done in 3 days. I plan on adding a classroom, some tables and an area with sleeping pods similar to how fallout 4 started. I discovered an abandoned mineshaft where the overseer office is which is pretty awesome. This is built in Survival on the Xbox One.

Pro Tip: Don't use Sand or Powder when making pixel art. :)


The classroom, overseer office and sleeping pod rooms are completed. I also added banners for the "Reclamation Day Celebration" from the upcoming Fallout 76. I was also able to lure a pigmen to the vault and name him "Slim" which is one of the ghoul companions. A Super Mutant companion named "Strong" was also added and placed in the Overseer office. The two together do not get along even when named. Luckily I made a copy and tested before putting the two together. This project is now complete!
Progress100% complete

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04/01/2019 12:55 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ninja
dirtybaker1331's Avatar
This was created on the xbox one. Not sure I can get a download link, can I?
03/31/2019 2:19 pm
Level 1 : New Network
btd3d's Avatar
Where is the download link?
11/16/2018 2:26 pm
Level 1 : New Network
DDominiq's Avatar
I like it!
11/15/2018 6:53 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
RizeGames_YT's Avatar
Good job GOOD, friend xd
