Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Hermitcraft Season 5 Map

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Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Ok, first upload. Now I get a lot of questions (Private messages) asking me 'Did you have permission to upload this?'
Well the answer is Yes. I got full permission to upload this. It is sort of re-uploading but also it is on the Hermitcraft website anyways. I am basically helping spread it but still, I got permission and that's that.
The map is up to date with the episodes.
Here is a link to a reddit post with co-ordinates if you like:

Ok, well comment if you want more Hermitcraft or something I guess lol, I ain't a professional but I am just here to help and make good stuff. Ok bye now :D
P.S I don't ask for diamonds, I just accept what I get so do what you wanna do.

Progress100% complete

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07/31/2019 8:56 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
Hello good sir
